Jujubee's story

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#1 Aug 25 - 9PM
jujubee's picture

Jujubee's story

Hello all. I am new here, but have been reading for some time. It's actually here that I discovered I fell for a NARC. I read a lot of the posts with my jaw dropped.....it's him to a T.

I met my N in a chat room online. He was sweet at first, charming, attentive, etc. He told me upfront he was married (not proud of this fact, but at this point it was online flirting and nothing more). He quickly escalated into sexual conversations. Not something I had done before, but I wanted to talk to him, so I tried. We talked for long periods of time about sexual and non sexual things. He was jealous if I was slow to respond.

He wanted me to visit him while he attended a conference in a big city. Being "swept away" by his attention to me, I made arrangements to meet him. A week later, he became somewhat distant. I called him out on this, and he said everything was fine, that he was busy, etc. Two weeks before I was scheduled to leave, he sent me a message that he hoped it was okay that he spent two hours each evening talking not only to his wife, but his OW who he had known for years online while I was with him. I was furious and let him know that this was NOT acceptable. He told me if I could not live with this, I should not go. Next message I get from him is that his OW is going to take my place. Oh, I was mad! I told him I had made arrangements to go and that SHE was taking my place (like I should have been there in the first place). We didn't speak for a few days.....then out of the blue, he messages me and says...."you're in luck.....OW and I got in a fight, and she is not coming. So come see me."

Stupid me....I went. We had a nice time together. He made me feel special and wanted. Although the sex part was less than I expected, we laughed a lot and got along well. He wanted me to stay extra days and change my return plans to spend some extra time with him. When I said I would try, but couldn't commit.....he got angry and shut me down. Said the "OW" was again in the picture.

Once I returned home, his whole demeanor changed. He was dismissive, claimed I was needy, demanding, relentless. One afternoon, while we were online chatting, and he was basically answering in one word responses, I said, "are you busy?" to which he responded "too many chats, too little time." At which point I asked how many women he was talking to and he got really mad and said that was none of my business because I was neither his wife or girlfriend.

I finally got to the point where I was so upset and frustrated by his behavior that I told him I loved him. He HATED that. He told me he "didn't care for love." He flew off in a rage and told me never to contact him again. Poof.....gone......

I sent messages for sometime. No response. One of his big turn ons was for me to send my friends his way (wtf? who does that to a woman) So I'm heading to his neck of the woods in a month or so, and I decide to test him. Send an email...."hey I'm heading to your area, and my friend lives nearby......wanna get together?" He IMMEDIATELY responds with possible dates and times we can "all" get together. I pretty much told him I resented the fact that he always "wanted" my friends......that I was never enough.....etc. The last message I got from him was "if you think I am such scum, please stop contacting me. YOU have thrown these things at me. I do not wish to have anything to do with this any longer."

I hate that I was stupid enough to fall for all the crap in the beginning. And that I have let it all go on for this long. There are even more red flags that I haven't put in this post. I feel weak in one moment and really, really pissed in the next.

Thanks all for listening. You don't know what support I've gotten from simply reading all of your posts and knowing I'm not alone in all this madness.

Sep 4 - 10AM
Used's picture


users everyone of them, i used to think well where will he find someone else like me, who puts up with this crap, well there are hundreds of me,s out there putting up with this crap, ime sorry this has happened, we even no they are no good, put your friends his way!!, looking at this ,in hindsight, the narc, told me what he was so many times, in so many ways. and that saying now. IF SOMEONE TELLS YOU WHO THEY ARE BELIEVE THEM. i certainly will in future. god bless.
Aug 26 - 8AM
The Girlfriend ...
The Girlfriend of Dr Jekyl's picture

Be Happy You are NOT his Wife or Girlfriend Sweetie!

You may not feel lucky right now...and I am sure you are a bit bruised and bewildered...a BIG lesson learned about guys online...and their real intentions! Studies show that between 1/2, actually I think it is more like 2/3rds of the men a woman meets online in chat rooms and dating sites...or gaming or goodness...even 'Ebay'...haha...are either married or in a committed relationship...and looking for some form of sexual excitement/gratification. They USE these websites for this very reason...especially chat rooms. Instant messaging = Instant Gratification....and they are devious and manipulative hiding behind their computers as to their real intentions and persona!...The operative word here is 'USE'...as that is exactly what they are doing to naive and trusting young(or even experienced)women...out there in 'cyber space'...they are *using* women to get their 'rock's off'. (sorry) Often their Girlfriend or Wife has absolutely NO idea of their husband/BF's 'extracuricular activities'. (read my story in the story section if you would like)...it took me over a year to find out about his real behaviors...I did not have a clue (which is why I also believe Elin Woods in her *People* magazine interview when she says she absolutely did NOT know or have a clue about what Tiger was up to...at all...hard to believe...but these guys are GOOD...amazingly GOOD liars/actors!) You actually got off with a little smack to your ego and a bit of hurt pride...the Wife or Girlfriend of these pathological planetary problem causers of the universe(ie: Narcissists, Psychopaths)...are often deeply wounded, left struggling to survive and spend years trying to recover from the severe devastation these sickos do to their lives...and their children's lives. (read about Christy Brinkley's ordeal...it may help...she was also clueless about her husband's behavior an cheating too, and for a long time)... You do NOT want to be the wife or GF of someone like this...it is far worse...the damage runs much deeper...imagine how devastated his wife would be to learn what he is up to...you can be sure that she is not the 'sexless b*tch he makes her out to be...and most likely she completely 'understands him'...he is probably getting alot of loving and attention/sex/validation at home...and obviously everywhere else!...these creeps STILL seek more and have all sorts of bad stories about their wives and GF's to make you feel sorry for them (a form of *bait*)...they make you think you are the key to their 'happiness'...ie: in reality = sexual gratification...you just got a taste of how manipulative and convincing a Narcissist can be! Being pretty, sweet, loving...and even wealthy...does not save you! You can have all the most wonderful virtues of womanhood...and be bright and educated and acomplished (often the very type they prey on)...and it will not save you from the things these freaks will do behind your back...and to your face (like this guy had flaunted his wife and OW...BTW, not judging you Sweetie...but ask yourself why you believed one word out of his mouth after you learned he had a wife AND an OW?...NEVER meet such a man, he is unworthy of your time or attention, you are better than that!..don't even waste one breath of your life on such a complete lying/charting pig and loser!...I guarantee you that he 'chatted' up a number of OW on a daily basis...and was probably always trolling for attention and validation (especially at work and on their office computer where they can't be found out about so easily by their wife/GF..I know how convincing these guys are...and you must realize that you are not his first...and you certainly won't be his last...he will be like this FOREVER!!!...even when he is a decreped old fart and 103 years old...hate that these suckers actually seem to live long lives reeking havoc on the earth!...while they virtually kill off as many sweet spirits and affect the lives of the countless hapless women/children in their wake without a care in the world) Ah! the more you learn...the better you will be at recognizing these sick souless bloodsuckers...and protect yourself. I am sorry you had to learn the hard way and face the hurtful reality about the existance of these lying cheating player/office romeo/abusive untrustworthy sick serial cheating LOSERS (Narcissists and other ranges of psychopathology)...do NOT write to this freak again...I know it is tempting to play games with his head online and otherwise since he dissed you and D&D's you. Your only wrong turn was 1. falling for his lies and lines (not your fault, these guys are the best actors) 2. Finding out what he really was like (this is ALWAYS when they begin to D&D you as they fear real exposure) Oh HEY! Speaking of exposure...I bet you thought about finding a way to let his wife or OW know about his other 'activities'. A very normal idea. But perhaps posting his name and what he did...and giving his 'online name' to warn other women about him might help? Now you know a little about Narcissists/Pathological personality/character disordered men! The majority of them are attractive and appear like 'great guys' on the outside...but are rotten to the core on the inside. Here's a hug...and a thought. Any experience you have that leads to knowledge or a little wisdom about yourself and others is a gift...use this experience to better navigate your life and as a reality check when you make future choices in the men you allow into your heart. xo Forget love - I'd rather fall in chocolate!
Aug 27 - 1AM (Reply to #3)
jujubee's picture

thanks Girlfriend!

I appreciate the warm words. I do not apologize for my own behavior. However, a lot of what I did with him.....I've never done before. He was good at making me do what he wanted. I have always considered myself to be smart and wise.....I think in this instance I was not. I've felt strong lately. When he made the "if you think I am scum don't contact me" comment, I thought....well yeah....I DO think you are scum. And I've been strong since. I hope I can stay that way. My biggest issue with the whole thing is that we spent SO much time (albeit online) talking that when I finally realized I meant nothing, it HURT. How do these people do this and look themselves in the mirror the next day? xo back at you, sister!
Sep 4 - 9AM (Reply to #4)
TNR1's picture

How they can look at themselves in the mirror the next day....

Three words...lack of empathy. They honestly do not care an ounce about you, they care about what you have to offer them. Remember, this is all about them...not about you. Yes..they will pursue you for a while, tell you exactly what you want to hear. That is because these guys are master actors. They have to be in order to survive. If they were true with you right off the bat, they wouldn't get the Narcissistic Supply that is so critical to their existance. So they have to have you hooked first. But once they have you hooked, you aren't a challange anymore and your NS isn't nearly as exciting or high ranking as the next victim's. It's a sick game, but without it, they would be forced to face themselves which they do not want to do. I know it hurts...that is because you do have empathy and real emotions. It probably will hurt for a while but know that you can always come hear and ask questions or simply give updates. Also, and this is key, his D&D of you was all about him...and nothing about you. It is important to know you did nothing wrong.
Aug 25 - 9PM
aceonelady's picture


Sorry to say this guy is aplayer,addicted to chatrooms,do not expect anything from him be glad he showed who he was,and i am sorry to say,what did you expected from a chat site?Do you really think these guys or women really want something serious?Sorry honey wake up....Hope you will be ok and block him and get away from chat and dating sites.....
