Just shaking my head...am I wrong about this?
Just shaking my head...am I wrong about this?
DH and I have a situation with his Nsister (NSIL to me) and his parents that I am wondering if an approach we are talking about taking is an advisable course of action.
Once again his parents are allowing themselves to be duped by their daughter's nasty and backstabbing behavior. For a few years now, she has barely been on speaking terms with her father after a terrible fight. She used my husband as a buffer between herself and her parents and we picked up (as usual) all the slack of helping her parents out when they needed it, spending time with them etc.
Well DH has gotten wise since then and keeps his distance from her. This makes my NSIL very angry that she can't manipulate DH and it also makes her worried that she will get written out of any inheritance, so now she is kissing up big time to her parents and trying to create a triagular situation to make DH and I look bad. The thing is DHs parents are starting to fall for it. His parents are generally good people but they are getting elderly and his dad especially wants that mythical happy family relationship that always seems to elude him because of his daughter's consistently bad behavior when she doesn't get what she wants. Exhausting...isn't it?
DH and I have talked about our strategy. We plan on minimizing contact with his sister and family. We plan on focusing and doing the best we can for his parents. One strategy that I am insisting upon, but don't entirely know if it is advisable is this...sometimes the parents will talk about how wonderful their daughter is for doing the tiniest little thing, or her husband or her kids. Or if they happen to be around they will let it drop that they did something for DH's parents, some small trivial thing and act like they are great big heroes.
I am insisting and DH agrees that when his parents are dropping these "admiration bombs" or when NSIL and their family does that, that we meeet those comments with a bit of raw honesty. IE..."wow you visited mom and dad? Well that is great, you should do that because you only live 10 minutes away while we live an hour away from them". Or if it is his parents dropping the admiration bomb about how NSIL or family did something wonderful, saying "well it is about time they got over here and tried to be helpful. How come they don't do that more often?" seems to quiet that kind of talk.
Maybe I am misguided here, but the few times we did that unintentionally it did get them to be quiet and we are bothered by less of this self congratulatory behavior. Am I wrong about this approach? I hate to be hurtful to his parents but I am not sure DH and I are obligated to keep up the family myth either, especially when it benefits his sister and causes us grief.
The light bulb went off....thank you Journey!
an aha moment, voice of reason:-))
Sorry to hear it Too Soft
It is understandable the
Journey on...
I see what you are saying Journey
Hi. I feel so sorry for this
Much appreciate the reach out Too Soft
I agree with Hunter
When you point the negative..
Wow I might have done a better job figuring this out on my own
I guess you won't get the
Hunter with all due respect
This needs to STOP NOW