marigold's story - 2

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#1 May 24 - 9AM
marigold's picture

marigold's story - 2

Need help and encouragement!!! Very needy!!!!

I'm back with a new story. Last fall I posted a story after a break up with a guy I strongly suspect is a narcissist (my therapist suspected he was too). That relationship was only 3 months thankfully. I had a hard time at first when it was over but now I'm over him and know I'm so much better off to be away from him.

My new problem is a new narcissist targeted me while I was still getting over narc #1 (are some of us just magnets?). The difference is this time I knew what he was from the beginning. I played along because it helped me get over the first guy and it was fun & flattering. (Although he's not the type I usually go for he's a very attractive guy. Looks A LOT like Bradley Cooper.) I didn't believe the pretty lies he told me but I enjoyed it all the same. I knew he had a girlfriend. I even called him out on it. At first he said he still wanted to be friends but it didn't take long before he was flirting again.

I finally agreed to see him and we started a physical relationship. I knew it wouldn't last forever and it wasn't real, but it still hurts now that he's losing interest and it's ending. It's not because I care about him. It's because he was a distraction from other problems I now have to face and because rejection always hurts no matter what the circumstances are.

I'm on this forum because I need support and encouragement and I can't talk to my friends right now because they're all busy with their families and their own problems. Help please!!! Any comments and encouragements welcome!!! I want to let go of this fling and keep my dignity.

May 24 - 10AM
marigold's picture

Agree with both

May 24 - 10AM
chris53's picture

I agree with Portia you need

May 24 - 10AM
Portia's picture

Sleeping With The Enemy

May 25 - 12AM (Reply to #2)
eyeswideopen35's picture

I agree with portia amazing