Prinseis33's Story

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#1 May 12 - 12PM
prinseis33's picture

Prinseis33's Story

don't kno where to start lol I've been reading about N's on and off for about a year. When I started, a lot of things began to make a lot of sense. However, I was looking for any little indications that "nooo see he's not an N, its gotta be just me...he's just a little N. There's gotta be something wrong w me that I'm staying involved with someone who doesn't treat me terrible, but certainlyyy doesn't treat me right!" Anyways, it all started just over 5 years ago, I just got out of a long relationship that I needed to get out of for different reasons..not because he was an N lol so I had NO initial attraction to the N (of the past 5 years) but somehow his mind games made me interested haa sick! And it helped me finally end the previous 8 year relationship I wanted out of but didn't know how...anyways in the begining the N wanted to take me out, act right and I was scared, not ready, and again not attracted to him so I kinda blew him off but still text with him. Then, something changed and I thought I wanted him and his "nice" offers well that's when he totally started with the mind games. Played interested, yet not and I initially thought it was just because I originally kinda blew h
im off! I admired certain things about him but those things are a dime a dozen and worthless now..I finallly gave in to just having a sexual relationship with him, (btw the sex has NEVER been good) although I really wanted a relationship w him which always created a problem and fights btwn us but I always ended up settling for the sexual relationship in hopes someday it could change! In the first few years it was always me chasing him and fighting for more...while he stayed involved but rarelyyy put any effort to make the situation continue! (Now days that has changed but ill get to that) we fought always for control and that I wanted more! We would go out to the same places and hed pretty much ignore me because we were always fighting, intentionally flirt w any girls to upset me and I'd run back to him and see him the same night! Now days I am certain I am the only girl he's been sexually involved with and no longer go out where he goes but the few times I had recently, he would still go out of his way to talk to anyyy girls to get a rise out of me! There was a point in time where things got "better" after 6 months of not speaking at all! Things were only "better" because I stopped trying and accepted the veryyyy little he offered and waited for him to contact me and let things be on his terms! Which meant hed contact me on fridays and wed hang out by one of our houses and nothing at all exciting but I was comfortable! (This was last year then on and off til this year) sometimes wed communicate over like the whole weekend but I totalllly stopped intiating and let everything be on his terms! Then a few times in the past year I got real tired of the on his terms and only talking on weekends! I was certain I was the only girl in his life so I excepted the crumbs but never could really be satisfied and triedddd to break things off a few times over the past year but he would wait a week or two and be back unchanged and I'd eventually give in and start seeing him again only to repeat the cycle and try to break away soon
er then the last time! I know I don't want this crazy situation anymore with someone who can't have a REAL relationship or admit they're feelings for me or consider my feelings one bit! However I have tried everythinggggg to move on and be done and move on! I've tried writing a letter, sitting him down and talking, I blocked his number (which made me crazy) I recently was strongr then everrrr and ignored him every weekend for over a month but eventually I go back to his nothing and once he knows I'm back he's just eh cool, calm and laid back! There's SO much more if u want more details! But I'm at the end of my rope and don't kno what to do :-/ why can't I be done n block out someone who barely shows they care for me until I'm actively trying to cut him out?! And even if he stops for a week trying, I end up running back and trulyyyy can not explain why

May 12 - 3PM
janine's picture

You will manage to get out

Our stories are different, in fact mine is the other way round, I wanted less and he kept wanting more. That's beside the point though, because what you are wondering about is why you do not manage to stay away from him. It had been been the same for me. I'd leave him and go back. The crazy thing was I had figured him out early on, I was quite aware it would not get better. Partly I was trying to avoid having to deal with some issues that had drawn me to him in the first place. Another part was that he did offer me a great deal I wanted to hang on to. Only the price you pay with a disordered person is too high. It took me 11 years to leave for good. Last time I went back after a long break I was fully aware I needed more pain that would keep me away. What I found instead inside myself was indifference. So for me it was a question of being in touch with my feelings to find my strength. No one but you can figure out your reasons for wanting him. All I am trying to say is, even if you run back, DO NOT GIVE UP on yourself. Be aware of what you are doing and careful about your boundaries. Hoping you will be strong enough to stay away very, very soon.
May 12 - 4PM (Reply to #5)
prinseis33's picture

Thank you soo much for your

Thank you soo much for your story! Everyones responses are truly inspiring and make me realize I'm not the only one! After reading your story, I figured out another aspect I struggle with...where as with you and many other he did have something to offer therefore something to almost make u want to go back...mine has NOtHING to offer everrr only hurt,frustration, and anxiety...yet I have still run back! I could make more sense of it if he actually did someeeething good for me or at least pretended to be something he's not! That's why I start to blame myself like I just created this all in my head...he gives me no false hopes and gives me nothing at all...hard thing to accept that its not justttt me :-/
May 12 - 12PM
prinseis33's picture


ADDITIONAL INFO FRoM MY OLD POST Its like I GET IT but don't fully either want to accept it (or haven't stillll :() or won't comprehend fully! I read other people stories who ofcourse would be different then mine and ones where people either lived with them, they were the actual bf or even people who were married or are married to an N so I start to try and rationalize well no that's not me so it must be something wrong with meee because my story isn't as bad as some of them! And I find allll the reasons "nooo he's not realllyyy an N just a little" LOL and I catch myself like what are u thinkingggg! Sound like I have been dealing with an N? I need confirmation! Also, I recently did one month NC and with help of friends I did great! But because I failed and feel like there's always something left I should say before I go I haven't started NC again yet! Currrently my best friend has one of my cellphones (that he contacts me on) which is most helpful andd last week she put her foot down as me so because if it was me I'd feed into his attempts o keep me engaged! Then I contacted him tuesday and he was the same asshole as always! I offered we talk friday or that's IT! And his reply was "I have nothing to talk about. I don't kno what ur problem was last wkend (when my gf blew him off for me and refused to engage) but I don't care lol wateer undere a bridge" it made me crazy again and reminded me WHY would I bother trying when I could have predicted the outcome?! So my best friend still has that cellphone and I know he will try at some time this weekend! Do I say something like this situation is "water under a bridge" for me and implement NC orrrr JUST NC back to when I totally ignored again?! Thank you SO much for reading and replying :) Vote up!
May 12 - 1PM (Reply to #2)
terri's picture


If it helps you come to terms with this narcness, your story has several similarities as mine. The details always differ from person to person but the core unhappiness - and the reasons behind this unhappiness - always points to marked similarities in the behavior of these disordered men (and women). You mentioned the early fighting over control - that was a non-stop battle between my and my exN for the entire 9-yr relationship. You also mentioned that the relationship had to be on HIS terms only - another common trait with these guys. You've been a pawn for him to move around on his narcissistic gameboard for so long that you've begun questioning whether it's normal or not. That was exactly how my life played out for almost an entire decade. When I read that you're questioning whether it's YOU or HIM that has the problem I think, "YEP, she's exactly where I used to be - always doubting myself and trying to turn myself into someone that he would finally feel comfortable and happy with." Believe me, that NEVER happens and you just sink further and further into your hole of self-doubt. Finally, we all find ourselves here. I think most of us find our way here through our search for answers. Deep inside ourselves, we KNOW that we dealing with someone who has serious issues/problems but we have no idea how to begin to sort them out - understand them - explain them to other people. I was desperate for validation that I was not losing my mind. I hear the same confusion and intense need to understand what you've been going through yourself. Bottom line is that whether he is a narc, borderline, or whatever, you are with a disordered person and your life has been anything but normal. Reading and reading here helps you to sort out your experiences and how they've affected your thought patterns and emotional reactions to just about everything in your life. The more you read, the more you begin to see that YOU ARE OK and that you need to let go of this person COMPLETELY in order to move away from the craziness he has created all around himself. Whenever I read the story of a newcomer to this board I think, "that's exactly what I was feeling when I first came here" and live really does start to calm down overall and you'll be well on your way to normal once again.

Believe in yourself!

May 12 - 2PM (Reply to #3)
prinseis33's picture

Thanks for taking the time

Thanks for taking the time out to read my post and give me I sightful and supportive information!! I was wondering how long u have been NC and how u finally got out...I find that even after I did a month NC which was the first time ever I was enjoying his pathetic attempts every wkend to reengage me and one week I gave in and contacted him! Is going cold turkey NC the way u did it??? I feel like since I got a alllll wrapped back up in it from verbal treatment , to acting cold towards me as if he hadn't been "chasing" me when I ignored him for over a month and acting like he truly doesn't care (which I know he is incapable of), I feel like once again I have to say something when he contacts me before going NC but now I'm reconsidering