Signs Your Narcissist is Cheating
Signs Your Narcissist is Cheating
I was asked recently 'why' do I NEED to know the signs and to 'catch' my N BF in the act and I have contemplated this for a few days...I have caught my N BF before...I KNOW he cheats and lies and know that it is a common trait/behavior of a large number of narcissists, especially a somatic narcissist...
...but 'why' do I need to know with certainty, to have the 'evidence' to hand him so I can walk away????
One of the most important reason for me is to be able to trust MYSELF again. Not only do Narcisissits deny their bad behavior, but go to great lengths trying to convince you that YOU are the crazy, deficient, untrusting person. And sometimes we deny it to ourselves too. They will work VERY hard to convince us we 'are seeing things'...'that they did not cheat...and sometimes, because we need to believe them, as otherwise would hurt too much, we allow them to convince us they aren't cheating...
This robs us of even the ability to trust our own intincts and we learn not to listen to our 'gut feelings' or 6th sense that we are born order not to rock the boat, or be blamed or abused.
I think one of the reasons, for me at least, is that my N BF has blamed me for his behaviors and the things he does for a long time. He also denies things, even when confronted with his lies and has only partially admitted to 'being a real bad boy' when there is some proof of his secret sex life....sometimes even when I ask him an innocent question not even related...such as 'How was your lunch today"?'...he acts like I am accusing him of something, and he will twist things around to somehow be my fault for 'not trusting HIM' guys pretty much all know the Narcs all twist things , lie, whatever it takes to cover their ways...whether it is in their serial cheating...etc.
So I guess I DO need some advice here about how to catch them cheating or how you found out about your N having another hidden secret life with OW? And what did he do when confronted?
This last Thursday night I stayed downtown at my apartment as I had been in a late meeting...and there was also a snow storm, so it was just more convenient. I called my N BF to let him know before he left his office. The next morning when I went home to our house where we live together there was an empty 'delicate wine glass' on the counter, not the kind he would ever use, and he NEVER has wine alone...only rarely drinks a beer with the 'guys'...he acted 'funny about me seeing it...and actually has been acting secretive again...but he is being more careful at hiding things...
I just want to restore and heal my own ability to trust my own instincts, I have had to squelch them for so long just living with him for the last 2 years (and being with him for 3)...I am tired of being told that the very things I SEE and KNOW in my heart...are not true. I'm tired not only of his ability to lie to me and hide his cheating...but also of my own ability to lie to myself.
What are some of the tale-tale signs your N did that gave him away? Did he deny cheating...even though you knew he was? Did he make promises to you to stop?...What did you do?
My Testimony and Joy, please read on
Outrageous denials
So sorry
Signs he is cheating
HAHAHA ......
All Narc'd Out:) My exN's
All Narc'd Out:)
The open relationship
wholeagain, amy and others
Does cheating get worse under stress?
Yes - worsen with stress
All Narc'd Out:)
Ugly Traits
One more thought
Working together
Signs your narcissist is cheating
That's what I Mean, Helldweller! Exactly!
that's exactly what I came
What a Private Investigator Told Me
good info
Signs your narcissist is cheating
Sounds familiar
Ugh, Amy