Starting Day 1 of NC
Starting Day 1 of NC
As the title states above
I have learnt that checking her FB and dating site and I even google her name, her daughter's name every day to see if anything or any new photos come up. Yesterday I spent the day crying when I saw that picture of her new partner.
I cant do that anymore. My heart is too broken. Its just it's sad because I am finally letting go in my head.
Im just afraid though because what if I go back to checking in a week or so? It feels like such an effort
I also sent off emails to ladies' sports teams. My mother keeps harpin' on about netball. Im sick telling her I have no interest in it. However, she emailed the netball head office behind my back lol and they emailed me saying to come along next monday, so I guess I am joining netball!
Do any of you ladies play a sport? Id love to know whats fun. I also am going back to football.
So its about me now. Glad I have this forum for support and tough love is what I needed :-)
Thats it Trixy the good times
It's very hard guys. I've
I'm glad you are closing that FB account
And Dee I am so sorry to hear
Thanks talktothehand :-) I am
no question is silly...
I wish there
Ladies thank you.... I really
And i can definitely relate
You are not crazy
Then can I ask, I dont
concentrate on you.....
I'm sorry if my posts seem
She's gaslighting you
It's because of the BPD
I have A BPD diagnosis too
Yeah, it's the worst thing
Thank you talk and I hope I
I really thought
I told her to slow down. She
Can you believe it? I got
Good job on 1 day NC