Understanding Why You Find It Hard To Get Over Someone That Future Faked

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#1 May 17 - 9AM
momoya's picture

Understanding Why You Find It Hard To Get Over Someone That Future Faked

I love her blog so much! It has helped me and I hope you will take the time to check it out too!

have a good day everyone :)

I’m hearing from a lot of people that are ‘stuck’ – they can’t get over their involvement with someone that was a Future Faker and may have also Fast Forwarded them, or actually any relationship where someone’s actions didn’t match their words. Why?

Aside from all of the usual obsessing and avoidance that many go through when a relationship ends, discovering your involvement with a Future Faker and/or Fast Forwarder, or in essence someone whose actions and words don’t match means you:

1) Believe that whatever they said was going to happen, it’s just that you did something to change their mind.

2) Can’t believe you made a mistake, misjudged the situation, and reel from, what are now in hindsight, obvious red flags.

Let’s roll back and recap for a moment.


May 17 - 10AM
Kiwi2005's picture

Love this...

I really do like these blogs... I feel like they're speaking AT me :) Thanks!