Where to stay if you are visting Narcville...

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#1 Dec 17 - 9AM
gettinbetter's picture

Where to stay if you are visting Narcville...

Hotel California. Its the only place in town. You can check out anytime but you can never leave!

Dec 17 - 8PM
apple's picture


You are soooo funny!!!!
Dec 17 - 2PM
Deidre99's picture

a gun shop? lol that might

a gun shop? lol that might be a good place to stay. :P kidding... did i say that?
Dec 17 - 10PM (Reply to #38)
Deidre99's picture

oops...I didn't 'get' the

oops...I didn't 'get' the thread intent...if you are staying in narcville...I get it now. lol i thought...oh nevermind. lol
Dec 17 - 2PM
Briseis's picture

We need to get a game

We need to get a game designer and make this into a game for our Facebook page. It would be . . . educational AND fun. Sick of it can be the executive producer, and then folks like Helldweller and Journey and others can co-produce. It could be a replacement addiction for obsessing about the Narc. I can see this being a very good thing . . . hmmm . . .
Dec 17 - 2PM (Reply to #32)
gettinbetter's picture

thats brilliant!

How bout Narcville Monopoly! I have to go Christmas Shopping you know like normal people do but I will revisit this later. Christmas Shopping: I remember on year the Narc had me go and buy all of his Christmas presents for him. He gave a list and yes he did give me the money but I went out and did all of it for him. PUKE PUKE PUKE!
Dec 17 - 2PM (Reply to #33)
Journey's picture

How about a new Family Feud

We've surveyed 100 narcs and have the top five answers on the board "what does a narc really mean when he says he loves you?" Journey on...

Journey on...

Dec 17 - 6PM (Reply to #35)
gettinbetter's picture

How about Mirror Mirror?

How about Mirror Mirror? Journey I cant believe you didnt come up with this one.
Dec 17 - 6PM (Reply to #36)
Susan32's picture

Hall of Mirrors

That's what it's like with a Narc. In terms of themselves. What's interesting is that in the Audrey Hepburn/Peter Fonda version of "War and Peace" (the ex-Psych professor's favorite novel), when Natasha (Hepburn) is being pursued by the psychopathic Anatole... she ends up in a hall of mirrors.
Dec 17 - 2PM (Reply to #34)
Hunter's picture

I love my self.

I love my self.
Dec 17 - 12PM
Journey's picture


Mirrors everywhere, including the headboard of the bed so he can watch himself having sex with himself - with you I mean. Prerecorded message of a soothing hypnotic voice that plays 24-7 "narc is the best at everything... don't question the narc... accept narc lies as truth... try harder to please narc... narc way or no way... love narc more and narc might stay... give narc your soul and narc might be nicer... let narc do what narc wants at all times... you have no needs of your own... only narcs needs matter... narc is king... every woman wants narc... be happy to share narc... don't try to change narc... narc does nothing wrong... give more to the narc... keep applauding the narc... be narc's toy to play with... keep narc interested... accept narcs constantly changing mind... narc loves you if narc says so... believe the narc cares... narc always comes first... just trust the narc..." Journey on...

Journey on...

Dec 17 - 6PM (Reply to #30)
gettinbetter's picture

yeah whats up with the

yeah whats up with the soothing hypnotic voice. Mine had that with a southern accent.
Dec 17 - 2PM (Reply to #28)
gettinbetter's picture

I think you forgot...

Narc never said that!
Dec 17 - 2PM (Reply to #29)
Journey's picture

never said that

Or to rephrase that "narcs will say anything in the moment... narc has the right to deny anything he says... " Journey on...

Journey on...

Dec 17 - 11AM
helldweller's picture


Sorry. I really like this thread. All of the employees are hot women or women who look like their moms. Every narc gets two gifts upon check-in: a book of a thousand coupons for free food, booze and blow jobs and a limitless card to leave at anytime without any explanation.
Dec 17 - 11AM (Reply to #25)
gettinbetter's picture

HEHEHEHEHEHE :))) funny Sh@T!

Oh yes and the rooms are stocked with plenty of Viagra (you know in case the ED hits) and lots of belts in different styles and colors you know in case they feel like whipping you. HEHEHEHEHEHE :))) funny Sh@T!
Dec 17 - 2PM (Reply to #26)
Hunter's picture

Designer belts, of course!

Designer belts, of course!
Dec 17 - 11AM
helldweller's picture


I like this thread a lot. LOL There is, of course, free porn (including child porn) 24 hours a day. The showers have waterproof compartments where the narcs can put their cell phones while they shower (mine actually took his phone INTO the actually stall once so I wouldn't see it). The doors are all revolving doors.
Dec 17 - 11AM (Reply to #23)
gettinbetter's picture

Man Helldweller you are on a

Man Helldweller you are on a roll LOLOLOLOLOLOL I have this whole vision of Narcville in my head like a little you would see in a Dr Suess book
Dec 17 - 11AM
helldweller's picture

sick of it

At the Hotel California, are there individual, pre-measured packets of toilet paper in the bathrooms? And are the doors taken off the bathrooms?
Dec 17 - 1PM (Reply to #21)
truetotruth's picture


Ok mine had an issue but honestly I admired his care in that department. It was a production to go for a doo. Like clock work and he had to have a water bottle with him. I used to have a bidet ( butt washer) loved the thing....maybe that why he wanted me lol...anyway I moved and he would always prep for the washroom and had to make sure he did a perfect wipe....As much as it was on of his quirks it sure made me feel a lot safer during fun time...lol I wonder if he had a certain amount of sqaures lol....oh man....
Dec 17 - 11AM (Reply to #16)
gettinbetter's picture

that whole toilet paper

that whole toilet paper thing is wacked out??? LOL LOL. I dont remember that with my Narc at all but I do remember he never really took a dump when I was around now that I think about it. I do remember him joking alot with about how I would sit and talk to him while he was shaving and I was peeing. I think secretly it creeped him that I did that.
Dec 17 - 2PM (Reply to #17)
Hunter's picture

I had to use a seperate

I had to use a seperate bathroom. After sex he'd jump right in the shower. Ewwww germs!!! Freak!!!
Dec 17 - 2PM (Reply to #20)
gettinbetter's picture


Yes the showering!
Dec 17 - 2PM (Reply to #18)
Briseis's picture

I wanted to go jump in the

I wanted to go jump in the shower afterward . . . but soap n water wouldn't have washed THAT off.
Dec 17 - 2PM (Reply to #19)
Hunter's picture

This Is Great!! Good idea

This Is Great!! Good idea for some fun!
Dec 17 - 10AM
helldweller's picture

visit Narcville

Anywhere thats NOT his place and that you're paying for!
Dec 17 - 11AM (Reply to #2)
Hunter's picture

Keep going you guys are

Keep going you guys are cracking me up!
Dec 17 - 11AM (Reply to #3)
gettinbetter's picture

They also have one of this

They also have one of this sleep masks its multi functional it blocks out any light and they dont have to look at you when having sex with you. They always love a 2 for 1!
Dec 17 - 12PM (Reply to #4)
Hunter's picture

I think I'd rather stay at

I think I'd rather stay at the Ritz.
Dec 17 - 1PM (Reply to #5)
gettinbetter's picture

Sorry Idealk9nyc

Its either Hotel California or his place. Dont you know you have no choices in Narcville!