You freaking maggot....good riddance
You freaking maggot....good riddance
Sewer rat,
Good bye. You are a man grow up. You are really sick and you prognosis is deadly. I tried everything to save you to no avail. In the process I got really sick and nearly dies from the inside out, literally. I can not help you or even be around you anymore. It is not good for me, you are not good for me. I have spent a lot of time and money trying to recover and I will not let you Sabatoge my recovery anymore. It does not matter to me where you are at and who you are with anymore. These thoughts are just tricks the devil plays on me to get off the path of recovery. I refuse to fall prey to it anymore. I am going to force myself every day to see the reality of who you really are and how sick our time together made me. I will do this even if it kills me. You can not come here anymore and invade my space. Get the fuck out you sick fucking maggot. Do you hear me get the fuck out...I am not ingesting your venom anymore.
good boundary
little dictators
Yes TryingToRecover!
"Soldier, don't confuse your rank with MY authority!"
Good riddance,