You took the words right out of my mouth.....

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#1 Jan 8 - 6AM
Movingforwardnow's picture

You took the words right out of my mouth.....

Everyone says teh exact same thing on here and it's amazing to me that we were all duped and fooled by these non humans. Was it me? Was I unreasonable, over emotional, needy, clingy, crazy, insane? Did I really have too high expectations? He always said I wasn't letting him just be who he is....and on top of that he has my family and friends questioning MY sanity....they don't get it, and that's my fault because I lived the lies. I pretended it was all ok for the sake of my children. (He isn't their birth father) but he was the only "dad" they have known....and they wanted a "dad" so bad so I lived the lie. I was so ashamed of all the shit and I didn't admit it to anyone...I just lived the lie for four loooooong years and now I am left empty and broken. My kids and I go to counseling but I know they, too, think I took this "dad" away from them. He had them convinced too it was my fault and I am mean and crazy and unreasonable....I don't even know how or where to start to pick up the pieces....I hate him and I hate what he has turned me into. Don't even know who or what or where I am anymore. I am starting from absolute scratch...nothing left of me. Not only emotionally but financially, and material stuff. When we moved in with him..."lets start "our" new life together"...that's what I was told...he literally made me get rid of all my furniture except kids bedroom stuff...he said there was no room for my stuff and we'd start getting stuff together. So when I finally moved out...that's right all he would allow me to take was the kids bedroom kitchen table and couches etc....This mand has ruined me. This man has taken my life, my soul, my confidence, my sanity, all I am left with is NOTHING!

Jan 8 - 10AM
needing2know's picture

My ex wanted to me move in

My ex wanted to me move in with him, and he also told me I couldn't bring any of my things, told me he would buy everything new! I am so thankful I never moved in with him! I would have lost my house and everything else! It's amazing how much they really want to take from us isn't it? I HATE THEM ALL!
Jan 8 - 10AM
Movingforwardnow's picture

Jackie, Great attitude! JUST

Jackie, Great attitude! JUST SHAKE YOUR HEAD SAY OH WELL AND MOVE FORWARD. I am going to remind my self of that all day today. As soon as the thoughts start I am going to shake my head, say oh well and move one step forward. I am literally going to do this today and I am going to make sure I put a smile on my face while i do it. Thanks! I don't know why but for some reason that really clicked for me. I thought "wow, that's exactly what I should be doing" so thanks!
Jan 8 - 12PM (Reply to #5)
Jackie's picture

Thanks mcastle

I look at this as why beat myself up over it? That means he is still controlling me! I accept what I allowed to happen and am going to make damn sure it does not happen again! There are too many nice guys out there...tons of them! I was given life, and damn if I am not going to take advantage of it! I see a lot of comments about how much we "hate them". Yes, they are nasty, but by living in that hate prevents you from healing and moving forward. As for the anger and revenge, I am using my anger to motivate me to become better, stronger, lose the 30lbs, and allow myself this life to be happy and free of abuse! The revenge part will be possibly one day bumping into him, and he will see that I am 100% better than when I was with him, and he is the still the miserable individual he was and will always be! I often think how much energy it must takes them to juggle all the lies, and try to remember what was said to whom, etc. Their minds must be a juggling mess! hahahahha!
Jan 8 - 10AM
Jackie's picture


Your story also is similar to mine with my 1st round with a Narc. He moved in with me and he had nothing but he made sure that we replaced everything I had. When I left, all that was left was our son's bedroom stuff. He even took my clothes. Then Narc # 2. Same thing, he had nothing, moved in with me, and did not like my stuff so we replaced. Then he took everything and I was left with having to literally start from scratch again. ARRGH This last one, well, another sore story. He did not move in with me, but stayed and collected a living allowance from work and I did not see a dime. I just shake my head...oh well no use beating myself up for it now. Just have to move forward!
Jan 8 - 9AM
janemarie's picture

Our stories are similar in

Our stories are similar in many ways....And it is horrible!!!!! So please know that you are not alone!! Dont feel as though you have to prove yourself to know in your heart and in your gut that leaving was best for you and your kids....Guess what that makes you?? STRONG AS HELL!!!!! Your children will grow to learn how their mom is a resilient person who did everything she could for them. They will have nothing but the upmost respect for you, for you have set a wonderful example for them. You are basically teaching them that when you are kicked down, you get up and do something about it!! Great lesson for them to learn!!! Much better than teaching them to live a lie!!! Materials and possessions will come in time...You saved yourself and your children!! That is whats most important here!! Keeping reading..keep learning...keep moving forward!! Good luck!! xoxo
Jan 8 - 7AM
maky1's picture

So sorry you are going

So sorry you are going through this. It is so hard because they break people down, and they do that because they have to. It is the only way to get someone to stay. It is good to go to counseling. Find out if your counselor has dealt with people who have had narcs in their lives and can help you with steps to rebuild your self esteem and sanity. Narcs are experts in making people crazy and doubt themselves and everything they do. I think your children will grow to understand. Continue being a good mom to them. It is important to take care of yourself and to take care of them. They will come to understand that leaving the narc was in everyone's best interest. Do you do yoga or meditation? It may help to reconnect to your inner core being and cleanse your body and soul.