Narcs and long term friends by anonymous1 |
Latest email Just gotta love him,,,he is hurting by no more |
Three months of no contact and I miss her still. by sspartridge |
urge to break NC by femnarc |
daughter by jellybean |
Need advice had panic attack and afraid will happen again. by PhoebeR |
My most difficult step: forgiveness by femnarc'd |
Another possible narcissistic female friend!!!!! by kollontai77 |
The truth about our addiction by seatt77 |
Happiness / vs suffering by BEC |
What's that sound I can hear?? by Marksax |
I thought by DLP75 |
Need advice for my boyfriend by Sassymomof3 |
Newcomer to this Site by tiredofthisaddiction |
Had a run in with the ex friend today and i am OK by PhoebeR |
A new one by imok123 |
Do you think she will rage when she realises I blocked her on Facebook? by Thunderho |
One Year by anonymous1 |
How to make it stop? by BlairoRoberto |
I feel sorry by Niels |
Friday Inspiration by oceangirl |
It shouldn't affect me but it does. by imabloke |
Revenge! by BlairoRoberto |
"20 Identifiable Traits of a Female Narcissist" by LuckySpurs |
NC and the D&D thing by Costa |