Push/pull dynamic

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#1 Apr 14 - 12AM
loveofmylife's picture

Push/pull dynamic

I've been meaning to ask this question for awhile,..... people have referred to a push/pull dynamic. What is this? Does it mean hot/cold? And then this happened today, and I'm wondering if this is push/pull. That they DD you and then come back all sweet and you are not sure why.....

Any insights on this one?

I haven't been able to completely initiate no contact. I have about 3 more weeks before I can do that. But at least he is not at the company anymore, so I don't have to see him and his eyes!

But he called and talked to me for an hour today – sweet as always; talked about how excited he was about a trip he took with his son to college and all of the neat things they did down there (engaging in personal conversation when he said he wanted none of that). It was a very fun conversation.

Said that he was concerned about me being overwhelmed and was very concerned about preserving my sanity (that the owner would never notice it so he feels that he is the only one who would protect my welfare) and he will do anything to help me with that.... Including he just refinanced his house so he could give me the $ for the business. Just signed the papers today and he can come with $ tomorrow.

We laughed a lot and it was just like normal.

What does he want with me??? Is this truly just him doing the right thing for the company and feeling that obligation (he was terminated in October and he has no fondness at all for owner so it is hard to believe this is true virtue), or maybe this is the only way he can think to make some type of amends without having me “take it the wrong way and read too much into it”. Or maybe he just wants to make sure he is around when there is $ so that he can conveniently ask for a bonus.

So basically, he is offering me alot of $ and it sounds like he wants to come out to work again as he was questioning my ability to get this done given the amount of work that needs to be done. So is he concerned about me as a human because he cares for me and my sanity, or does he just want to show he is a great guy and can get this deal closed, or just wants a payoff and is using me for $ in the long term (this is a big, big upside in the medium term). I can’t figure out if I am being used here or what his motivations are.

Only three more weeks until I can implement phase 2 of no contact.

But is this what people mean when they say push/pull?

Apr 18 - 8AM
agnesmurphy17's picture

Catching Him in Lies

Love of My Life wrote in another post: "I also think mine got tired of the "you hurt me - why did you say that - why did you do that?" and then setting him up and catching him in lies to test my theory really didn't go over well (of course; and I only did that when I was sure he didn't really care for me at all)" This is interesting. I would have never dared confront my N with his lies, or set him up to be unmasked. Mine would have become BALLISTIC & very dangerous. Towards the end of our marriage, he said to me: "I was never sexually or emotionally connected to you. I married you because I thought my love would transform you the way [ex-girlfriend's] love transformed me." I was stunned. Then he went away on a business trip. When he returned, he was all lovely-dovey (wanting sex)--I said to him, "Whoa! I think you're gonna have to explain this comment. I mean, we are not connected. What's the point?" I cannot describe to you what happened. A most unbelievable scene. He picked up a box of books and ripped the corrogated cardboard with his teeth. Threw the books all over the place. Then threw himself on the floor, on his belly. Then he pounded the floor with his fists & feet (a child having a tantrum). Started to threaten me. It was horrible. That was the end for me. All I asked was for him to explain something to me that he said several times. I was so terrifed of him. What would happen if I actually confronted him with black & white proof of his lies? I shudder to think. Mine always wanted me to "mirror" him. He would get angry with me because I did not repeat back to him what he said in a conversation. At the time I did not understand "mirroring" and the narcissist. But, I learned, that I had to be careful what I repeated back to him. There were other times when I repeated back to him things which he had said to me & he went crazy because it did not make him look good or get him what he wanted in the moment. I could never hold my N accountable. My N lived only in the present. No past & no future. He could say & do anything & there was no accountability. I wonder how anybody could confront one of these people? Can you actually do it? Maybe there are more reasonable Ns out there? Mine may have been very extreme. Once I get away, I never looked back. No longing for the Dr. Jekyll mask. Mr. Hyde was so awful & painful that I had "bait aversion" for the entire man. I have been so truly poisoned. I see now that I was so caught in his world. I accepted his premises. I repeated back to him his words. I lived in an artificial world of his constructs, trying to communicate with him on his terms, in the words he used. In the end, I was an emotional wreck because my entire life was his lies.
Apr 18 - 12PM (Reply to #33)
woundedsoul36's picture

I agree..I think mine got

I agree..I think mine got tired of my complaints about how hurtful, cold he was... and me explaining why he made me feel like he did..I think he realized after three years that his gig was up. I did confront him and called him out... and the only response was "I cant believe you said those things to me" no denial, no apologies, no explanations of his behavior..nothing. He even reverted my pain into me hurting HIM with my confrontation. And then he vanished...no calls/texts/emails *gone*...he took his cardboard cutout image and jetted into his own private hell to lick his wounds and recover from my narcissistic injury I caused him. My NC has been easy..he just disappeared. Coming to terms with what he is has been difficult..I still struggle with the "is he or isnt he" shit, but honestly, Ive come to terms with the fact that no matter what...he is unstable, unavailable, unable to give the kind of love & respect that normal people can... and I am tired of trying to get blood from a stone that is dead & devoid of the juices of life...he lives in a coffin of hate.. I do feel bad that he is the way he is because of childhood trauma..but i can't help him. He is irrepairable ..destined to go through life in his vicious cycle of self destruction...I am not down for going on that ride with him.
Apr 18 - 1PM (Reply to #36)
Scoop's picture


This is a great post , you summed it up perfectly , Im glad your narc has gone with out trace . Mine i just know is reving up for contact , i feel it in the air . Scoop x
Apr 18 - 2PM (Reply to #37)
woundedsoul36's picture


Girl..I will keep you in my prayers..actually, I go to sleep every night haunted by the stories on here. I will pray for you to have strength when he tries popping back into your life. I have sat and wondered what I would do if mine tried coming back..obviously I know NC NC NC...but I wonder if I would cave. I hope he stays gone and just finds someone else to suck dry..altho i wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy
Apr 18 - 3PM (Reply to #38)
MsVulcan500's picture


I'm like you. My heart cries too for a lot of the women on this board who are going through a lot worse than I feel I am going through. Mine hasn't really tried contacting me either, he has a new toy to play with, and I'm glad. Not for her, but for me. The longer he stays away, the more distance I get, and hopefully the more detached I get, so when he does try to contact me I won't care. And he will, I'm sure of it. I hope he waits until I have moved out of state so he can't find me.
Apr 18 - 12PM (Reply to #34)
Hangman11's picture

I couldn't have said this

I couldn't have said this ANY better, explains my feelings EXACTLY and me too after three years of this back and forth, is he or isn't he crap..I have accepted the truth and won't ride this ride with him anymore either...Kudos to you girlfriend!!!
Apr 18 - 1PM (Reply to #35)
MsVulcan500's picture

Same here.

It was the same for me. The back and forth crap was getting to be too much for me, and even though I didn't come out and say too much, I know he could feel me pulling away and he was losing control of me. I was telling him "No" more often and not running when he said "run". So I feel that it got to the point for him that it was easier to get new supply than to do what he needed to keep me in line. It's all about what is the easiest path. So I say let her have him, and I am free free free!! I am going to go outside on this beautiful spring day and work in my yard. I haven't had time to do that for the past few years because I was always catering to his needs on the weekends.
Apr 18 - 11AM (Reply to #32)
loveofmylife's picture

Wow Agnes

my dad was also a very big N and he would have reacted in the same way you mentioned above. He did physically abuse my mother if she would dare cross him, which probably only happened twice in their marriage. She was an angel and adored him. The fact that my N wouldn't react in the way you described above is what does make me at times question the N. Because as painful as this episode was, where I unmasked him -he got upset for 2 minutes and then came back to talk it through = and it seemed as though he was being mature about it and respectful of my feelings and remorseful. (he paid for lunch and said "I suppose I need to make amends for you somehow, not that this is enough! I promise you I will never do that again.") So it always gets me back to - is he really a good persona and I just drove him to act this way because he felt I was stringing him along and got tired of it or I hurt his ego at work, or....or....or...
Apr 18 - 10AM (Reply to #31)
neveragain5's picture

I cannot even imagine having

I cannot even imagine having to witness that. How completely horrifying! I think all N's are different and react differently. None of them like criticism, that's for sure! I did confront mine. Over and over again. It was a process because I had to build the evidence and put the pieces together. Every time he left, I would go on the computer and look for the answer of what his behavior was. It finally all came to me and when I realized the complete horrendousness of what he was, I wanted him to leave me alone and go away. I knew that I would have to be around him and I knew that despite knowing what he was, I would still be tempted to be with him because I never actually SAW the complete picture. I also went to the police because I wasn't sure how far he would take things. I told him not to talk to me when I saw him that I knew what he was all about and I called him out on a lot of things. When we were at work, he continued to come hang around where I was and did "nice" things for me. I just glared at him and ignored him. I wasn't about to back down because he would try to capitalize on my fear. He stayed and waited for me after work that day and I yelled at him and called him a f****cking liar and a cheat. I was SO mad! I repeatedly told him to leave or I would call the cops. He just sat there looking at me and telling me that he wasn't that person. Finally, I got him to leave after I realized that the neighbor was listening to everything. He left me alone after that. From what I know, if you are in a public place or around other people, they will try not to act out because they know that their cover will be blown. That's why the abuse mainly takes place behind close doors and why they want to isolate you.
Apr 16 - 6PM
foolmeonce's picture

Why they do what they do

I have read a lot of the socipathworld.com blog. The bottom line for me is that they do what they do because that is who they are. I realize after spending three years trying to "figure" him and the relationship out that it has been a complete waste of time. I will never understand. I am not wired the same way as he is. Did he enjoy being with me? Probably when I was adoring him. Why did he D&D me? Because he got bored or because I was too much work - I mean how fun is it to constantly hear someone say - I can't believe what you did to me. You are a liar - You are a bad person - etc. He didn't want to hear that - he really believes he is a great guy - in his mind - it didn't work - hey relationships end - get over it. Why does he still call? Because in his mind he did nothing wrong and thinks he has the right to be my friend - I mean time heals all wounds right (from his mouth!). If there is one thing we can all learn from sociopaths and narcissists is that we should spend more time thinking about ourselves and figuring out what we want. Instead of revisiting the dysfunctional relationship and endless hours of thinking about him - we should think about what makes us happy - what we want in life - and eventually (if we decide) spend our lives with someone who is capable of a real relationship. I am so over trying to get this. I get it - he is who he is - he will never change and I refuse to spend one more minute of my precious life trying to understand him. It's time for me to appreciate and love myself and be concerned with what I am doing and why I am doing it. I am mad at myself - not for falling for him and his lies, but for wasting years of my life trying to get over him and understand it all. I got involved in the relationship because I didn't believe in myself. Sure he manipulated me and brainwashed me - but I allowed it to happen. I knew who he was and I knew he was a pathological liar. The day I discovered he lied to me I should have cared more about myself than about US. The real lesson I have learned is that I must look out for myself and my feelings. I need to listen to my instincts and never again believe that there is someone out there who will "save" me or complete me. I am whole and complete just the way I am.
Apr 17 - 1PM (Reply to #28)
better off
better off's picture

Amen! One day I realized

Amen! One day I realized that this person isn't WORTH figuring out... and that there is nothing there TO figure out. Figure yourself out, much better plan. To the still-obsessed I say, find a new outlet, interest, hobby, job, place to live, something, anything to make your life about YOU again and your goals and desires, etc.
Apr 18 - 9AM (Reply to #29)
Amazed's picture

AMEN Better Off!!!

Thank you so much for your comment,,to the "still-obsessed,,I say find a new outlet, interest, hobby, job, place to live, something, anything to make your life about YOU again and your goals and desires" That is BEAUTIFUL!!!!! YOU are AMAZING!! :)
Apr 16 - 8PM (Reply to #26)
running's picture


We don't know why they do what they do or act like they do becasue we don't operate like they do. We are the normal, caring, compassionate, loving people. They are not. They don't care about anything other than what will benefit them. You're in a tough position but you need to let him go. He will suck you in only because he can. I got sucked in again tonight and I'm right back to where I started before "no contact." I loved him and I thought he loved me...he made me believe he loved me again tonight, but our conversation quickly revealed his true colors and I was able to hang up...but it left me sad, angry, bitter, lonely and missing him. I'm beginning to believe that NO CONTACT is the best way to survive this. It's the only way to survive this.
Apr 16 - 9PM (Reply to #27)
Amazed's picture

Running,...were you lured back into the relationship

Did he do something inadvertantly to pull you back in,, or did you go back and conatact him "just because"..? If we really knew these guys true colors....we would be running for our life,,you guys,,,,listen up,,,they know what shit they are dumping on us,,...they give subtle clues,,,very subtle clues,,,they know what they are up to with us ,,the extreme manipulation, lies,.the pattern is strong with them even before they come to us,...they say things during the course of our relationship with them that reveals the end.....exposure...or "when the mask slips" and we see the evil that they are.. Sorry...but I am coming to terms that they are evil,...they probably have so many tangent "relationships" with other unsuspecting woman.,,,it would blow our mind...yet we never go there because we are so transfixed with them,.whilst in the "relationship" I always had trouble calling us a "relationship" because something was always incredibly wrong,....or just "off".... It is part of this struggle to gain understanding of them..that keeps us hooked,.yet the answer oftentimes..is that they are crimnal,,if you say them in true daylight,,you would want nothing to do with the psychopath.
Apr 16 - 7PM (Reply to #25)
loveofmylife's picture


It never ceases to amaze me how all of our experiences on this board are so similar. That alone tells me I'm in the right place and that he is an N. And our reactions to what they did is all so similar. I also think mine got tired of the "you hurt me - why did you say that - why did you do that?" and then setting him up and catching him in lies to test my theory really didn't go over well (of course; and I only did that when I was sure he didn't really care for me at all) I think this is why his biggest emotional lover is purely through email. Because it is not a day to day relationship and you can just be a great guy through email and get to go in and out when you want. You can be whoever you want to be on email. And like you, I have wasted many years trying to understand it; and it is that they are just wired different - it is who he is. Thanks for all of your thoughts!
Apr 16 - 7PM (Reply to #23)
Barbara (not verified)
Anonymous's picture


a great book is WITHOUT CONSCIENCE by Dr. Robert Hare... explains these clowns well ~~~~~~~~~ Moving Forward: Coaching for Victims Pathologicals Feelings buried alive never die. - Alice Miller
Apr 16 - 9PM (Reply to #24)
Amazed's picture

Clowns describes these guys perfectly,,,

I noticed that one day,,my ex N came into the office, dressed as I would say a jester, or clown,,he just had this aura about him that said "fake" or jester or indignant about him,,,clown is precisely that,,like they are out of the ring of life, along by themselves in a center ring, no one can enter, they are alone, foolish, trouble,,,,
Apr 15 - 7PM
herlatestvictim's picture

Don't be too hard on yourself!

I find myself in your same situation all the time. I get sucked in by the pleasant conversation that makes me feel like an important part of my N's life. It's so validating to have that normal, neutral conversation about day to day events... yet we are really just listening to the N's life. The N is not interested in hearing about our life. But we smile and nod, so happy to be thrown this bone. If you think about it, this bone is so succulent, because we are treated so badly on a regular basis. We should not be so overjoyed just to be a part of a normal conversation. But we are. This is all part of the push/pull, hot/cold... and we experience all the pain while the N's feel nothing. We are on an emotional roller coaster that goes nowhere. We have to get off this ride.
Apr 14 - 4PM
baddream's picture

Phase 2?

What does that mean.. "phase 2 of no contact"? No contact means NO CONTACT. Forever. Close the door and put a padlock on it. By doing NC and then talking to him, you are just reinforcing his cyclic behavior. You are telling him that he can do what he wants with you, you will go NC for a little while, then he comes back with his sweet act to soften you up-- he has you exactly where he wants you. When you talk to him, you are telling him it is ok to treat you like crap...The cycle just continues. This is typical textbook N behavior. This push/pull is also known as "the emotional roller coaster". You must get off immediately. Listen to what everyone is saying here!
Apr 14 - 10AM
better off
better off's picture


Hi.. I haven't posted here in months and months, but have been reading a bit again lately, and your situation continues to drive me nuts. Until you ACCEPT the fact that this man doesn't care about you, you are in serious danger of him totally ruining your career and possibly your life. I'm not going to sugar coat anything, because you HAVE TO HEAR IT. A year ago I went thru a lot of similar feelings and it's a nightmare to come to terms that a narcissist DOES NOT CARE ABOUT YOU OR ANYONE. It's an ego and soul battering experience, but if you can run a company then surely you can come back to reality. If you don't, you are SCREWED. I would still be wallowing if some people didn't take me by the collar and and shake the shit out of me to get me to wake up. That they DD you and then come back all sweet and you are not sure why..... Any insights on this one? I haven't been able to completely initiate no contact. I have about 3 more weeks before I can do that. But at least he is not at the company anymore, so I don't have to see him and his eyes! But he called and talked to me for an hour today – sweet as always;, Okay, fine, you can't completely initiate NO contact... but why does that mean you can have a personal conversation for an hour? You are busy, you are working, you are going out, you are doing XYZ... NO PERSONAL CONVERSATIONS. You are making excuses like an alcoholic. I'm going to quit in three weeks so meanwhile I'll drink 7 margaritas while I still can. Sweet as always? Go back and read your posts for all the times he is NOT sweet as always, threatening you, etc. Hmm, was he as sweet as he always is to the 37 other women he talks to? talked about how excited he was about a trip he took with his son to college and all of the neat things they did down there (engaging in personal conversation when he said he wanted none of that). It was a very fun conversation., Get out of backwards land... that's right, he's decided he WILL engage in personal conversation WHEN IT SUITS HIM, never mind what he said. What would happen, love, if YOU wanted a personal conversation and he didn't? He'd tell you to piss off, humiliate you, and even threaten you with harassment. Which is what YOU should have done when he decided to violate HIS own rule. "Gee, N, you said no personal conversations and this really violates the boundaries of our professional relationship. Please stop clinging to me like this. Bye now." Then you can get off the phone and cry and feel sick but that's what you have to DO. I know why you don't. It feeeelllsss ssoooo good to have that time with him. Just like any drug addict. I get it, we all get it, but you can't get better until you ADMIT this is going on. Some people never quit drugs because they love them too much to give them up. The other problem here is you are accepting mixed messages as meaning he does care. WRONG!! Normal people don't send mixed messages. He's just an ASSHOLE playing with you when he feels like it and pushing you off when he doesn't. It doesn't MEAN anything. Said that he was concerned about me being overwhelmed and was very concerned about preserving my sanity (that the owner would never notice it so he feels that he is the only one who would protect my welfare) and he will do anything to help me with that.... RED HOT FLAG ALERT: Brainwashing technique 101. He is the only one who would protect your welfare? Wow. God help you then. What a bullshit statement... but your ears are hearing "he cares about me." No, he's brainwashing you. Including he just refinanced his house so he could give me the $ for the business. Just signed the papers today and he can come with $ tomorrow. Why indeed? So if he's an investor...you fill in the blanks. We laughed a lot and it was just like normal. No, it's not normal. It's just like the illusion he creates when needed. What's normal is that he does this and in between TREATS YOU LIKE SHIT. LIKE A DOG HE PUTS OUT BACK WHEN IT'S BEING NAUGHTY. What does he want with me??? To f**k with your head and get something out of your business. Is this truly just him doing the right thing for the company and feeling that obligation (he was terminated in October and he has no fondness at all for owner so it is hard to believe this is true virtue), They never do the right thing and they never feel obligation, and if he has no fondness for the company, then you MUST see that he is up to something. or maybe this is the only way he can think to make some type of amends without having me “take it the wrong way and read too much into it”. Jesus, this is where you need the collar shaking. HE IS NOT MAKING AMENDS TO YOU. See how he's brainwashed you into already thinking, Oh I can't take it the wrong way or read too much into it... Because he has TRAINED you to accept him leading you on and THEN saying, OMG, love, you're reading too much into it. When of course you did NOT. It's exactly what he wanted you to do. How could someone not "read something into it" when this jerk has done the things he's done but is now OFFERING YOU MONEY from the refi of his house. Or maybe he just wants to make sure he is around when there is $ so that he can conveniently ask for a bonus. Well at least you're getting warmer. Putting money in the company is the same as buying CONTROL. CONTROL CONTROL CONTROL. DON'T DO IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So basically, he is offering me alot of $ and it sounds like he wants to come out to work again as he was questioning my ability to get this done given the amount of work that needs to be done. Wow, what a guy... tells you you can't handle it so he'll come out and take care of it for you. Without you even asking for this help. BRAINWASHING. Can you handle it? I assume so. If you take his money and his "help" you are screwed, love. Totally screwed. Basically he insulted you and then says he'll fix it? And this makes you happy?? So is he concerned about me as a human because he cares for me and my sanity, NO. Plus infinity. As pointed out... he is manipulating you getting you to QUESTION your sanity and ability to do your job... CLASSIC CLASSIC PREDATORY BEHAVIOR. or does he just want to show he is a great guy Always. and can get this deal closed, or just wants a payoff and is using me for $ in the long term (this is a big, big upside in the medium term). If you take this money it will ruin your life. THERE IS NO UPSIDE. Love, this is the worst thing that anyone has to face... but babe, he has always been using you for money, career, and payoff. Always. That's who you are to him. YOU ARE NOT SPECIAL TO HIM. I can still read your thoughts, girl,. you talk about the fake girlfriends, and the fake fiancee and blah blah, but YOU really understand him. YOU ARE A FAKE GIRLFRIEND TOO. You are not The One, and they are the suckers. Everyone is the same to a narcissist. Everyone. And if you can't see the OBVIOUS monetary value you have in his life, then I'm truly sorry for you. Truly. You sound like way to good of a person and have too much on the ball to let this loser take it all away from you. I can’t figure out if I am being used here or what his motivations are. His motivations aren't really the question, but is this really true? You REALLY can't figure out if you are being used? Really? Only three more weeks until I can implement phase 2 of no contact. If you are having hour long fun conversations with him then you haven't even implemented phase 1. Lastly, I know I was very hard on you. But you are in such a precarious position I think it's necessary. We ALL know how much it hurts to face this reality. And it's insane to us because how could someone fake it like they do, but THEY DO. We ALL know how hard NC is, we all feel like we're going to die for a while. But guess what, you don't. I've been NC for a year... and it amazes me that a year ago I cried every single day, could barely function, and could think of nothing else but this man, and believed I couldn't live without him. Ha! I am doing better than ever before finally. Barbara once gave me the advice to write out all the crap things they did on a list and post it on your mirror or something. Make of list of the lies he tells, of the humiliations, the DDs, etc... and have that in your face every day. Then when he comes calling and you hear that sweet speech you can look right at that list of LIES which is WHO HE IS. The Bible speaks of the man "whose speech is smooth as butter but war is in his heart."
Apr 14 - 5PM (Reply to #9)
loveofmylife's picture

better off

Thanks for shaking the shit out of me. :) That was incredibly helpful. This one especially hit home What would happen, love, if YOU wanted a personal conversation and he didn't? He'd tell you to piss off, humiliate you, and even threaten you with harassment. Yep, reminds me of all of the pain I was feeling a few months ago. When he told me we "had" to go to lunch one day to "straighten out our working relationship". So we talked about all of his concerns (although he stated everything in a nice way) and ran out of time before we talked about my concerns. So the next day I asked him if we could go to lunch to talk about my concerns. Well, he was "too busy" for the next three weeks to go to lunch with me to talk about my concerns. That is when I really started feeling the pain of a one-sided relationship and forced me to ask him the question, "What do I mean to you?" which I've never had to ask anyone in my entire life (it is never ambiguous like this) So thanks. I think the key for me is that when things feel so good between us and seem like "normal, soulmate" all over again...I need to force myself to remember (and a list is good) just how painful the bad times were. And they were VERY painful. Him not being at the company anymore makes it to where it seems better now. Our interactions are much better and back to what I thought was normal. But I'm sure if we had to be together day to day again that it would be awful again. Probably why none of his many, many relationships have lasted more than 1 - 2 years (the honeymoon phase), but then all of the girls come back into his life again and they are "close". I'm sure they too are forgetting the day to day pain and are remembering the parts that are very good. And as long as they stay distant enough, it all feels good. Yes, and I agree that I am a fake girlfriend too. When he talks about "do you think we are having these issues at work because of you and me?" With that smile and sparkling eyes - he is constantly inferring to me that there is something very special between us and that "if only we had different circumstances". Well, I keep changing all of the circumstances that he says were holding us back.... but I think it is all a game to him. When you say "everyone is the same" - I have to share a funny story. For years it was just he and I one on one dining at very nice, expensive, romantic restaurants, and he is so charming and always seemed so happy and flirty with me that I thought it was truly directed at me and that I was the one for him. When we starting working together and I saw his day to day habits, I saw him (in a flirting way) sit on the desk of a gay woman at work, who actually looks like an acne-faced teenage boy (sorry about the description, she is a beautiful person on the inside, but the point here is that it was definitely not someone who he would want a romantic relationship with). Anyway, the flirting, smiling, sweetness that I saw was EXACTLY the same as how he acted all the time with me - that I interpreted as me being very special to him. That was a wake up call that he could act that way with anyone and everyone was the same. (god I love this site and the people on it.... this has been so enlightening and healing for me!) PS - love the use of the word "love" are you from UK, Canada, ......?
Apr 15 - 5PM (Reply to #10)
better off
better off's picture

an American girl...

I'm a redblooded American girl. :) I was just using "love" as a short version of your screen name. My N was from a country like that though, and yes, his manner of speech and accent was so very, very charming. I love it that he is back "home" now where he is garden variety again, although I'm sure he plays the ex-pat card instead... the world weary wanderer so glad to be back... blehhhh. He used to be SO negative about his home country but has now been heard to say, to THEM, that being away lets him know now it's the best country of all to live in... ha. That's why he went back for a visit like once every two years or something. Like you said, it's a trip to see them pouring it on with someone else, like with the woman whose desk he was sitting on. I'd been thinking more about his comments of "worrying" about you, and how that sounds to us like "caring what happens to you" which is bull. Mine loved to be worried or concerned for me and I felt so cared for. Then one day a friend of mine was talking about how he said he was so worried about her making some long drive with not enough sleep... and I was like...whaaat? He was so worried about you? Funny, he always complained to me about how much he didn't like her and how aggravated she made him. It was one of those moments of like....Ohhhh, he just SAYS that to people, to anyone. To anyone female I mean. Worried and yet, forget all about you on many many occasions. Lastly I wanted to comment on this: "With that smile and sparkling eyes - he is constantly inferring to me that there is something very special between us and that "if only we had different circumstances". Well, I keep changing all of the circumstances that he says were holding us back.... but I think it is all a game to him." Mine worked this angle par excellence and I totally fell for it. I promise you if you actually left your husband, he'd drop you like a hot potato. He likes it JUST the way it is, just like he does with other married women... oh, if only, if only... keeping you on string, making you think he's pining for you, knowing you can't DO ANYTHING about it, frustrating you, knowing you can't even TELL anyone (and therefore get good shit-shaking advice from people who actually do care about you)... they get to be God, with YOU pining away for them, and they have NO RESPONSIBILITY. It truly frightened me to read SO MANY accounts here of married women being lured away, and then getting abandoned by the man who ENCOURAGED them to do it. Or worse, marrying them and getting treated like absolute garbage right away. Whatever your marriage problems are... a N will not make them better. Waiting for your post that tells us you told him to shove his money up his ass, next to his head. J/K Please just tell me you said No thanks.
Apr 16 - 12AM (Reply to #17)
loveofmylife's picture

better off

Yep, my counselor last year told me the same thing. If you do become available, he will no longer be interested. Its too fun for him this way - he can drive you crazy and doesn't have to commit to you. The poor other married woman I think is in much worse shape. It would be interesting if she found this board one day and saw all of my postings (scary in a way). I do have to give mine credit though. He has never tried to directly lure me away (it has been very indirect) and he always says I need to think of my family first - and I think it is sincere. "keeping you on string, making you think he's pining for you, knowing you can't DO ANYTHING about it," oh god. About four years ago when this all came to a head and everything came out in the open. He told me that he wished I would have approached him when he was engaged 22 years ago and told him how I felt - so that he could stop the engagement... that he was attracted to me in the nth degree, because I was so beautiful, intelligent, fun to be with, we were so close, he trusted me so much, etc, etc, etc. It was the most beautiful conversation of my life - finally getting all of this out into the open. And finally finding out, as I suspected that he felt the same way for all of these years (that has all changed with my N revelation). Well, that night he told me, "now don't stay up all night worrying about this". And I said "how do you know I would be up all night?"... he responded "because I KNOW you" - it just sent chills through my whole body how he said it, because he does know me better than any human on earth. We talked about going to Bali and his response was "I could do that my dear, I am single, but you cannot, you are married" But then he said "but with what I've told you, you have to ask yourself, "is this actionable"? And of course he knew it wasn't at the time. But yes, he likes it just like that. That he is pining for you and you can't do ANYTHING about it. I've ignored his offer to put $ in. We had about three business calls today and about 10 emails - all business. So the distance is get greater and greater. Again, it is just so hard to accept the contrast, that for years I would fly across country for us just to go to a dinner.... and now we are minutes away and don't go to lunch. It is just very hard to swallow and accept how this could have happened.
Apr 16 - 5PM (Reply to #18)
better off
better off's picture

I still think it's worse for you...

Yep, my counselor last year told me the same thing. If you do become available, he will no longer be interested. Its too fun for him this way - he can drive you crazy and doesn't have to commit to you. The poor other married woman I think is in much worse shape. It would be interesting if she found this board one day and saw all of my postings (scary in a way). You are also the poor other married woman being used for business contacts. What WOULD she think if she could watch you for a while? I think you are the one in worse shape because YOU KNOW HE'S LYING and YOU KNOW HE'S DOING THESE THINGS and yet you continue to believe there is something special with him and continue to indulge him. At least she's ignorant, as far as you know. If he's lying to her, of course he's lying to you! I do have to give mine credit though. He has never tried to directly lure me away (it has been very indirect) and he always says I need to think of my family first - and I think it is sincere. In light of what you've already posted, how can you believe this? You said in THIS very post that he is SCARY because he can appear to be so sincere when he is lying to OTHER people. It's the same with you. It's delusional to think it's different with you. He "always says you need to think of your family first" because he has ZERO intention of being in a relationship with you, and he gets to say this and sound like the noble one. If that were the case then WTF is he doing involved with you in the first place? "keeping you on string, making you think he's pining for you, knowing you can't DO ANYTHING about it," oh god. About four years ago when this all came to a head and everything came out in the open. He told me that he wished I would have approached him when he was engaged 22 years ago and told him how I felt - so that he could stop the engagement... that he was attracted to me in the nth degree, because I was so beautiful, intelligent, fun to be with, we were so close, he trusted me so much, etc, etc, etc. It was the most beautiful conversation of my life - finally getting all of this out into the open. And finally finding out, as I suspected that he felt the same way for all of these years (that has all changed with my N revelation). Lies lies lies lies lies lies... the most beautiful conversation of your life because he said EXACTLY what you wanted to hear... They LOVE to say that "coulda woulda shoulda" stuff because it sounds like they love you SO much when it's something that actually DIDN'T happen and would NEVER HAVE happened, but no one can prove that, so he can say anything he wants! Do you see how incredibly wonderful this trick is? He can talk all day long about what he wished he had done, etc, because it's something that cannot be acted upon and proven. Just lovely lovely lies that no one can call him on... Of course, instead, his BEHAVIOR since then shows you EXACTLY how much he values you and others. Well, that night he told me, "now don't stay up all night worrying about this". And I said "how do you know I would be up all night?"... he responded "because I KNOW you" - it just sent chills through my whole body how he said it, because he does know me better than any human on earth. MIND CONTROL. WAKE UP FROM THIS SPELL.... if you would really go through and read the boards and the books, you would see how there is NOTHING UNIQUE about these people... they all say and do EXACTLY the same things... this is another SUCCESSFUL attempt at mind control with you... you think he's inside your head, don't you... you feel each other, blah blah. It's hypnosis. It's mind control. He's crossed your psychic boundary, and you (like all victims, like ME)feel like this MEANS SOMETHING. It does NOT. And basically, if you do have the trait to be able to be psychologically fused with another person, to let them past that boundary, you also have the ability to CLOSE THAT GATE and shut him out. He doesn't KNOW you, he just can PREDICT how his victims will respond to his control tactics... one of which is him convincing you HE "knows" you in some magical cosmic way. How much of yourself have you gushed out to this person over the years? They use that against you. My N was the same way, and we did have an affinity for each other, and he had an uncanny ability to intuit things about me, LIKE MOST NARCISSISTS CAN, but when I realized this was a game he was playing, that they all play, I got free of that delusion. We talked about going to Bali and his response was "I could do that my dear, I am single, but you cannot, you are married" But then he said "but with what I've told you, you have to ask yourself, "is this actionable"? And of course he knew it wasn't at the time. But yes, he likes it just like that. That he is pining for you and you can't do ANYTHING about it. Really? Mine wanted to take me to the Maldives for three weeks... talked about it over and over. Also to Edinburgh Castle, on safari in Africa, Hong Kong,...Of course he was never GOING to take me to the Maldives, or even to the mall, but hey, it's the thought that counts, right? Dangle beautiful sparkling carrots in front of you... make you regret being married...frustrate you to the point of illness. Yet this same jerk says you should think of your family first... you know, when he's not tempting you with romantic vacations. That he never ever has to deliver on, because, conveniently... DARN! YOU'RE MARRIED! Mine went so far as to send me real estate listings of 2 million dollar houses in my city... I've ignored his offer to put $ in. We had about three business calls today and about 10 emails - all business. So the distance is get greater and greater. Thank God. He's not done though, he'll try to sucker you again at one point or another. Again, it is just so hard to accept the contrast, that for years I would fly across country for us just to go to a dinner.... and now we are minutes away and don't go to lunch. It is just very hard to swallow and accept how this could have happened. Because what's the thrill in that? You flying across country just for dinner (I notice it was YOU doing the flying) = huge N supply payoff. Having lunch when you're down the street = ho hum. You're already on the hook anyway, so what does he care? THIS IS THE WAY THEY THINK. Big hugs to you.... it IS very hard to swallow, because there is only one answer to the conundrum, isn't there? I too suffered a lot of torment, because no matter how long you think about it.. there really is only one logical answer: It's because they never did care about you. It wasn't real. THE MOST REAL and wonderful thing that's ever happened to you is NOT real. It IS a tragedy, and it IS something to mourn, and it's the most confusing thing I think that can ever happen to anyone... but there is a way for it to be a WORSE tragedy and that is to keep the blinders on and continue letting an N make a fool of you. There is no shame in believing someone when you didn't know it was lies... but it's time for you to seriously start taking your power back and to free yourself from his brainwashing and manipulation.
Apr 16 - 11PM (Reply to #19)
loveofmylife's picture

Better OFf

amazing post. You need to write a book! Yep, the part that hurts the most was truly believing he cared and loved me all these years and now realizing that it was all fake. The empathy and the caring seems so real.... but when someone can disrespect you behind your back (while acting sweet to your face in the same day), you know it was all fake. I am still in disbelief that we could have seemingly been so close for 22 years and shared so much of ourselves and our lives and been business partners and he chooses to trash me behind my back with something as shallow as what my weight was (which was a lie anyway). It was like Middle School gossip - except he is 50! How shallow; and I thought our relationship with incredibly deep. At first when I saw that, the only logical conclusion I could come to as to what would have possessed him to say something like that is that I must have hurt him pretty deeply somehow - and that he was thrashing out. But here I am justifying his behavior again... It IS a tragedy; the waste of love and caring and emotional energy, etc, etc, etc....it was all just a waste.
Apr 15 - 8PM (Reply to #11)
Barbara (not verified)
Anonymous's picture

help "getting it"

make a 2 column list first column NICE STUFF HE DOES/DID second column AWFUL STUFF HE DID/SAID stick it on your bathroom mirror for a month. I'd bet that first column was all about stuff he did to make himself look or feel better. Or to lure you in. ~~~~~~~~~ Moving Forward: Coaching for Victims Pathologicals Feelings buried alive never die. - Alice Miller
Apr 16 - 12AM (Reply to #12)
loveofmylife's picture


Barbara: Its funny you said this. We started working together again about 1 1/2 years ago. After working together for one month, I starting noticing these odd things that I never noticed in the 20+ years of us knowing eachother. Probably because we are both older now and the last time we were in a day-to-day relationship was 20 years ago. 20 years ago, I started a binder with exactly what you said great stuff about him, why I love him bad things Well, 20 years ago when I started this list (for a different purpose, I was trying to figure out what to do with my marriage), the great stuff was about one page long and I couldn't think of any issues with him. He was perfect in my mind; and we had been in a day to day relationship for over three years. Well, he is still pretty perfect, but I pulled that same list out and started adding on to it one month after we starting working, and man, did the 2nd column grow to many, many pages long. - deceived people to make a deal - played people against eachother - 2 faced and you can't even tell it is insincere (scary) - treats everyone the same - flirts with everyone, will go out with anyone. - destroyed me behind my back on the same day he was trying to get me to pay him $ and being sweet to me. - denied a lunch with me for three weeks when I told him I needed to talk - lies, lies and more lies - on, and on, and on..... I have this at work now and try to pull it out once a day and remind myself.
Apr 16 - 5PM (Reply to #15)
better off
better off's picture

Your list could really just

Your list could really just have this item on it in big bold red letters... never ever forget it, when you ask yourself "does he care about me?" - destroyed me behind my back on the same day he was trying to get me to pay him $ and being sweet to me. And you forgave him and kept him in your life. How much respect do you suppose he has for you then?
Apr 17 - 12AM (Reply to #16)
loveofmylife's picture


I confronted him about this the next day. This was the day that I removed his mask. It was awful. I told him what I had learned and told him that "I need you to be gone!". (lots of crying) He was furious with me, left the lunch, came back, apologized for sharing our issues with someone else (but of course the betrayal was much, much deeper than that) And then blew up at me saying that never in his life had someone asked him to "be gone". I did tell him he was forgiven; because I needed to do it for my own sanity! And told him that despite the fact this incident happened, I'm sure that I would always care for him deeply as my brain was programmed to feel that way for so long. He did respond "you've lost it!!" He knew he didn't deserve for me to care about him that deeply. So I did the right thing back then. He left the company and then came back after about 1 months since he convinced me he was doing me a favor as I was overwhelmed at work without him. Anyway, I've learned alot about N since then and should be able to make a permanent break in a couple of weeks.
Apr 16 - 12AM (Reply to #13)
wallaby (not verified)
Anonymous's picture

He's got you deep in cognitive dissonance

It amazes me how scrambled he has your mind when you can say, in the same paragraph, "Well, he is still pretty perfect..." and then list these things he has done: "deceived people to make a deal - played people against eachother - 2 faced and you can't even tell it is insincere (scary) - treats everyone the same - flirts with everyone, will go out with anyone. - destroyed me behind my back on the same day he was trying to get me to pay him $ and being sweet to me. - denied a lunch with me for three weeks when I told him I needed to talk - lies, lies and more lies" What exactly is it that is "pretty perfect"? It seems you can't hold these two ideas (Slimey Psycho Jerk and Pretty Perfect blue-eyed Prince in your head at once and you sprint quickly from one to the other so you can maintain both. Thinking reasonably, it seems easier to see all your "fun" conversations and the best day in your life when everything was in the open and you talked about your relationship and how much he was attracted to you but couldn't act on it (barf) (previous post) as LIES FAKE ILLUSION MANIPULATION than it it is easy to explain away the list of smarmy, psychopathic, narcissistic behavior. Can't have your N cake and eat it too - you're going to need to be brutally honest with yourself and your thinking on this - you're a bright woman. Look at the fallacies in your own thinking. He was never perfect you were just drugged and high on him, he's not pretty perfect or even one iota close to perfect. Stop yourself from swooning over him, it's your life at stake here.