real frank question: how did you confirm that your N was an N and not something else?

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#1 May 18 - 6PM
littlestbird's picture

real frank question: how did you confirm that your N was an N and not something else?

this continues to bother me even though i have evidential support from many sources. i want to be in denial because it is too scary to recognize that the man i was in love with didn't love me back, but just loved how i made him feel about himself.

so: how did you confirm it for yourselves? certainly they all didn't get formal diagnoses...???

May 20 - 10AM
janetc's picture

confirmed N

I just want to say I just read all of these comments, and wow this board is GREAT! Wonderful answers, that I plan to share with a friend in denial! I don't have ANYTHING I could add to these great posts, except to say that after I put the program on my N's computer I was totally BLOWN AWAY by the depth of his depravity and evil. My sister-in-law had dealt with some N's and told me to research it. I googled it, found Sandra Brown's site and books, and this site. I am still reading old posts, looking at the excellent links Barbara has posted!


May 20 - 7AM
betty2020's picture

How I Knew

For me it was pretty simple. I followed my gut. I knew something was not right with this person. His behaviors, the words he spoke, his mannerisms,his perceptions on reality, his lack of connection, his distance to the world, the way he treated others, his secretive life and so much more. It was all there in front of me. I just didnt know the formal name for his disorder but i knew it existed. In the end you can place any name you want on this illness. If he has these traits that you so often read about on this msg board and you find yourself identifying with everything you read here, well chances are you lived with a NARC. Denial is just a part of our illness.

only one way to go...Forward (tm?)

May 20 - 8AM (Reply to #32)
Barbara (not verified)
Anonymous's picture


Denial is just a part of our illness they only ILLNESS we have is WHAT THEY DID TO US!!! Denial is part of the Cognitive Dissonance they leave us with. WE are not ill, codependent or stupid/ gullible/ naive... we were TARGETS! ~~~~~~~~~ Moving Forward: Coaching for Victims Pathologicals Feelings buried alive never die. - Alice Miller
May 20 - 9AM (Reply to #33)
betty2020's picture

i stand corrected

Yes i agree. i miss spoke to say we are ill. We are targets/victims in this. I guess for me it feels as if i was just as sick as him for allowing myself to remain the target for so long. I feel as though i was brainwashed and lost all sense of self. I therefore refer to myself as ill or not of sound mind or judgment. Target, victim, ill individual is all the same to me. In the end all i know is that i am not right anymore. It left me broken. I am not the same person. I will never be the same person. Maybe for the better or the worst in the end, but never the same. This i cannot deny.

only one way to go...Forward (tm?)

May 19 - 1PM
narcnarcwhosthere (not verified)
Anonymous's picture

SCREW a 'formal' diagnosis..........

the PSYCHOPATH had many a 'formal diagnosis' over the years.......always on MY dime!.....let's see.....ALCOHOLIC was a favorite.......then two said he had ADULT ATTENTION DEFICIT DISORDER....the another said he had ANXIETY DISORDER (what a fucking joke) KNEW he was a psychopath...but the psychopath didn't care for THAT diagnosis....because he couldn't get any DRUGS for that...... he easily fooled therapists and psychiatrists....just like he fooled everyone a 'formal diagnosis' is asswipe...... “I do not bring forgiveness with me, nor forgetfulness. The only ones who can forgive are dead; the living have no right to forget." - Chaim Herzog
May 19 - 7AM
narcnarcwhosthere (not verified)
Anonymous's picture


i knew from the start something was wrong... very very very wrong... but had no idea what it was.... no idea at all... he was drunk all the time... so i ASSUMED alcoholism... and he led me to believe that, too...s o he could play VICTIM... went to an counselor with him... a counselor who attacked ME... for not being SUPPORTIVE enough of the psycho... and there it all begain... .the YEARS of ENDLESS blaming the REAL VICTIM... of course as it turned out, alcoholism was just one of many kinks in his chain... tens of thousands of dollars were spent on psychiatrists and therapists... and NONE of them really ever figured him out... not totally... because he was a MASTER manipulator... it was ADD... or it was this or it was that... but usually it was MY FAULT... he took sprees... bi annual drunken drugging raging sprees... like clockwork... and one night while he was gone on one... i got on the internet... and found 'THE MASK OF SANITY'... and read this... the psychopath suffers from a very real mental illness indeed: a profound and incurable affective deficit. If he really feels anything at all, they are emotions of only the shallowest kind. He does bizarre and self-destructive things because consequences that would fill the ordinary man with shame, self-loathing, and embarrassment simply do not affect the psychopath at all. What to others would be a disaster is to him merely a fleeting inconvenience. One very interesting aspect of the psychopath is his "hidden life" that is sometimes not too well hidden. It seems that the psychopath has a regular need to take a "vacation into filth and degradation" the same way normal people may take a vacation to a resort where they enjoy beautiful surroundings and culture.This strange "need" of the psychopath seems to be evidence that "acting human" is very stressful to the psychopath. all it needed was a photo of him... i finally KNEW what he was... and then i saw IN PRINT... what i had always felt deep down inside... Provided they are not FORCIBLY STOPPED, they can do anything at all. i knew then... hat i'd been right all along... for all those years... that my instincts were correct... he was a monster... who would never ever go away... unless he was FORCIBLY STOPPED... and he never did go away... until he was FORCIBLY STOPPED... by DEATH... “I do not bring forgiveness with me, nor forgetfulness. The only ones who can forgive are dead; the living have no right to forget." - Chaim Herzog
May 19 - 12AM
Susan32's picture

From my friends

From the beginning, my friends sensed that my ex-N was an N... he had all the red flags. The crazy-making, his attempts to isolate me from my friends (which fortunately didn't succeed), the public humiliation. When I described how my ex-N reacted to my honest declarations of love--with anger and a power play (some have defined it as "emotional distancing and outright abandonment")--a friend of mine bluntly said he was a narcissist. She said his reactions weren't NORMAL. He wanted my admiration, but not respect or love. He also fit the description of the psychopath;the vacant eyes (serpent stare) and the fact that he'd creep people out. He'd often tell people to "read without emotions." He punished people for having emotions. Since narcissism is a pathology, I can only assume my ex-N hasn't changed in the past decade since the D&D.
May 19 - 12AM
Janet's picture

I was dumped then dumped

I was dumped then dumped again and again and again then finally Discarded. Four years, it was "wonderful" hah! at first. I moved across the country because I had found my soul mate. HAH. Four years of mostly awful times, yet I stayed and dug in, tried, cried, screamed, acted like an insane witch, pleaded, tried harder... you get it. Throughout I thought he loved me, was just a little immature and selfish. I always complained that I never was a priority, he would apologize then not change. I stayed, co-dependent, sure I guess, but so much worse. He started cheating. I found out, he gave lame lies, blamed me, then said "sorry" but it was less than half hearted. I stayed. It got worse. He kept cheating. Had his child lie to me. I finally moved out. He strung me along until he secured his next victim, then he called me over to say he was moving on - and recoiled when I tried to kiss him goodbye. I have not spoke to him since (December 16). He sent odd emails for about a month, I did not respond. I was so confused. I typed in some of his behavior - Narcissism came up. I was thunderstruck. Narcissist/sociopath fit his description. He is one messed up guy. It was a nightmare. I am sooooo much happier without him, and yet, I think about him nearly every minute. I believe I will emerge stronger and happier and more secure in myself. I know. I know he is a narcissist/sociopath. Peace. J

Peace. J

May 18 - 11PM
azucar's picture

Its not always possible to know for sure

Hello littlestbird, Alot of times it will just be the things you saw while you were together. Time away from him (NC) may give you a little more perspective...and see him in a new light when the poisonous fog clears up. It has been a couple of months for me, and I can now see how the puzzle pieces fit together, things you see all over this board: He completely lacks empathy, not just with me, but many people in his life, especially his parents/children He would never compromise Nothing was his fault His needs always came first He always devalued others around him, but was different when he was actually with them. On the surface he seemed extremely generous, but he only did favors for people who brought him sort sort of prestige by association He would become very angry if someone, even a stranger ignored him He could not handle critism He makes huge grandiose statemnts in the beginning, wanting love, commitment, family, blah blah blah, but then withdrew once he had what he wanted You can tell that he prefers to spend time with other people (new supply) to you, only when he is really tired or there is nothing else to do, then he will settle for your companionship He may require little sleep, meanwhile your sleeping patterns may start to suffer, you may feel exhausted and even ill (for the first and last time in my life, I had heart palpitations, and I am a 35 year old runner :) ) Where you were once such a cherished treausre, he now has no time for you or your life, your interests, even though you have done nothing to bring about the change. Being in a relationship with him, unlike healthy relationships that end respectfully, leaves you feeling violated, and I have even seen the term "soul rape" applied. These N's rarely get help unless they have suffered Narcissistic Injury (undeniable proof of not being the amazing gift tothe world that he belives himself to be), and even then its to deal with the immediate crisis and "feel better" not to actually deal with what the real issue is. Also many times they are so charming, intelligent and convincing that they even fool thier therapists unless they know what to look for. My ex-N was actually proud that he had won over his therapist, and mentioned how impressed the therapist was with his intelligence. Hope that helps?
May 18 - 11PM
broken23's picture

habitual lying, cheating,

habitual lying, cheating, LACK of remorse, lack of empathy, no shame, afraid of being alone. also behavior/conversation didnt make sense. like a on/off switch. like many said it was taking to a three year old and frustrating to get anywhere. i started looking up pathological lying at first because i just believed thats what it was...he lied for no reason. then i started reading some forums and typing out some of the stories that happened to be and came across the symptoms, and i just knew right away. the way he talked to me, the things he said, the way he had noooo emotion if i was sick, got into a accident, crying, the way he avoided responsibility, the way he was so immature about things. it all added up and i think if he went to a therapist he would be clinically diagnosed
May 18 - 11PM (Reply to #25)
loveofmylife's picture


and ditto to izzy23 lack of remorse lack of apology even when asked lack of change in behavior when asked to stop the abuse. I think it was foreverlearning who said that if a normal person steps on your foot and you tell him it hurts...he will stop. A N will keep stepping on it and not apologize And "Girlfriend" said, when you are near death and he thinks you are dead and will come up to your lifeless body and kick you just one more time. That is EXACTLY how I felt. When I felt near death with the death of my father (which was quick and gruesome) - he continued to be harsh with me. It was that last little kick that made me realize that deep down he was heartless even though he held himself out to have a beautiful heart. He only showed that beautiful heart to women he was still trying to lure. but once you had been DD, he was heartless. And the ambiguity of conversation, words that had double meaning or 1000 different ways you could interpret it.
May 18 - 10PM
cynthia (not verified)
Anonymous's picture

Thats easy

Nothing of what he promised for us ever materialized, he started getting more and more sexually perverted, lied, made excuses yet would not quit calling me, could not figure out what this man wanted, it certainly wasnt sex with me because he would go months not seeing me, immediately I went to a professional it took him about 20 minutes to diagnose him all he wanted from me was to use me to bring him other victims for group sex that is sick and pathological and he was pretty much labeled as a sexual predator after that
May 18 - 10PM
enoughalready's picture


It was an accumulation of 4 yrs in hell. First sign- he met me when I was depressed and having marital issues, he spoke about how all his ex's cheated on him and he didn't do anything(a missed red flag) the 2nd yr-anytime we spoke on the phone, he talked about himself, his job and friends- when it was my turn to speak, he'd always interrupt and say, "what does that have to do w/ me" so, I abruptly decided it was best to txt and not talk on the phone(another missed red flag). 3rd yr-i felt as if I was doing everything for him- resolving issues,making plans to see each other, making decisions, driving everywhere while he sat home waiting (another missed red flag)-i told him it felt like a one-sided relationship. We started arguing a lot when I told him my feelings about this exhausting relationship and how I didn't feel loved anymore. His reply was that I was complaining and #itching and I would get what I want if I'd quit complaining. I never got what I wanted, he did nothing at all to change and he'd blame me for it. I felt like he was all words and no action. But I think the sign that really got me thinking, was when he'd enjoy playing mind games, it was sadistic. I didn't understand as to why someone who said loved me enjoyed seeing me in pain. The last year was the worst. He talked bad about my friends, I felt very addicted to him even though he treated me badly. I told my best friend I felt like an alcoholic and he was the alcohol I told her the only cure was abstainence. So I tried many times of NC, but to no avail. Didn't understand I was brainwashed. Then it was the lying, he started lying about things he didn't have to lie about. And I thought if he lies so easily, he could cheat on me too. Things didn't make sense, I felt crazy. I'd ask him questions, he would call me crazy. That's when the verbal abuse started-calling me a whore when I'd catch him in another lie. So I started on a google search: pathological liar verses compulsive lying, cheating/pathological liar-then narcissist popped up. I read it, was shocked he met all of the criteria. Then I felt like an idiot for missing all the red flags. Goggled everything about narcissism and thank God I found this site. After reading blogs and a few stories and comments, I knew he was a narcissist. I read the book, bought and read 6 books about narcissism in one week and it was confirmed- he was a txtbook full blown narcissist! I have no doubts even though it's not right to diagnose, he has ALL the traits of a narissist and I hate him with all my heart :-)
May 18 - 11PM (Reply to #22)
ollie's picture

that is exactly how it was

that is exactly how it was with me, his exact words, my exact words. I feel like i can hear and read what you are saying which is true to what I dealt with but a part of me is denying it. not everyday, it used to be everyday where i could not comprehend it or understand it, but now it is every couple of days of comprehention and I understand and know what I am dealing with and that one down day where my brain gets lost all of a sudden and fuzzy and yes I feel completely crazy as he has said. Don't know if this makes sense? and yes, I have read every book I could get my hands on about narcissists, it's still just trying to wrap my mind around it and wrapping my head around the fact that there are people out there who cannot feel and are not human? so opposite from me who feels absolutley everything.
May 18 - 10PM (Reply to #13)
neveragain5's picture

YES! All of his exes cheated

YES! All of his exes cheated on him too and I started texting him, (even though I hate communicating this way), because it was so much easier than having to debate EVERYTHING. I felt like the mad scientist researching it. Eating, sleeping, drinking the information for months. What a freakin' nightmare!
May 18 - 10PM (Reply to #14)
loveofmylife's picture

ex's cheating

These comments of ex's cheating. Do you think it was true? Was was the story behind this? Or is this projection?
May 20 - 10AM (Reply to #21)
janetc's picture

ex's cheating

Janet I was married 30 years, and I was accused of cheating. I never ever came even close to cheating! It was part of his D&D, many different stories told about me, all designed to get the most sympathy and attention from whomever he was talking to. I run into people who are acquaintances who are surprised I am still in town after he left..he told many that I had a young boyfriend and wouldn't give him any attention/sex. I found out from my daughter from another neighbor that he told I was "sick" and into "kinky sex" and he was afraid of me! Still others were told I was frigid and wouldn't allow him to touch me all of our married life! My point? Why would you believe ANYTHING these guys say??? Them accusing their partners of things is all part of their MO....anything to deflect off of them having any responsibility!


May 18 - 10PM (Reply to #15)
neveragain5's picture

They were his long-term

They were his long-term girlfriend's and they stopped having sex, probably because of the madonna/whore thing. I know that he ignored them. Just another way to punish. I have read that the "Madonna" ends up cheating sometimes, because they aren't getting any attention anymore.
May 19 - 8AM (Reply to #20)
narcnarcwhosthere (not verified)
Anonymous's picture

got tired of playing the madonna........

the psycho withheld sex on our wedding night..... then he backed off of that bullshit for awhile because he saw i wasn't going to go for it......then it started up again.....he would withhold sex for YEARS.....and of course I WAS TO BLAME....he didn't find me attractive because of the way i treated was because i was such a BITCH..not because he was such a PSYCH CASE.... i got tired of it...and i took my business elsewhere, many times......i never considered it CHEATING....there was no one to CHEAT on...that was never a normal REAL relationship.... finally near the end...i confronted him one night and wouldn't let him pull on his nose until he fell asleep, i kept coming at him...shaking him awake........and said.....'just what do you think i've been doing to get MY NEEDS taken care of for all these years, you BASTARD?'....and he said...'nothing'..... so i just UNLOADED on him...started naming names....and at the end of my spew...all he had to say was.....'wow...they could have all done better than YOU'...... i should have killed him right then and there...... “I do not bring forgiveness with me, nor forgetfulness. The only ones who can forgive are dead; the living have no right to forget." - Chaim Herzog
May 18 - 10PM (Reply to #16)
Barbara (not verified)
Anonymous's picture


Madonna's sometimes cheat because they can't TAKE being FROZEN out any more on top of the relentless verbal & emotional abuse that comes with no sex. ~~~~~~~~~ Moving Forward: Coaching for Victims Pathologicals Feelings buried alive never die. - Alice Miller
May 18 - 11PM (Reply to #18)
loveofmylife's picture


ok, this could be what happened to N's xwife. He said that the sex stopped less than 2 years after they got married (after they had a child). I'm sure there was verbal/emotional abuse involved after I've seen it....and no one in my life has treated me like this. So I'm sure he did it to her too. And I used the same words as you used in your post....that he was being relentless in his harshness of me....he wouldn't let up...nothing I did was right. And I've been highly successful in life - so I know he was being abusive/critical/judgemental. And he said she did have an affair and abandoned him and he is not sure if his 2nd son is actually his. (got loads of sympathy from me)
May 19 - 12AM (Reply to #19)
neveragain5's picture

More than likely, it is what

More than likely, it is what happened. Except for the small detail, (I say that sarcastically), that he really initiated her cheating in the first place. Cheating is not right, mind you, but NOTHING is right with how we act with these men. It's completely CONVOLUTED!!
May 18 - 11PM (Reply to #17)
neveragain5's picture

Yeah, what she said. ;)

Yeah, what she said. ;)
May 18 - 9PM
neveragain5's picture

littlest, I feel for you.

littlest, I feel for you. There were times that I just WISH that he wasn't an N and that I was wrong...Over the years, I have had relationships and dated many men like this. I have been beating my head against a wall trying to figure out what this behavior was. Blaming myself and wondering what the heck was wrong with ME for years. I started researching and looking up passive-aggressive and key words to the behavior I was seeing. When I met this last one, I started researching right away, ALL of the behavior and I came up with Borderline or N. I don't recommend anyone do this, but since I still had to be around him, I tested him. I tested all of the things that I read about his behavior. From the lack of startle response to talking to him in third person, i.e "Why is (N) angry with (my name). Basically, I wanted to ensure that I was seeing it for real. He had left a lot of clues for me as well.
May 18 - 10PM (Reply to #8)
MsVulcan500's picture


That's kind of how it happened for me too. I just started gradually noticing little things that didn't add up. I started googling "selfish, self-absorbed, etc." then bought a book and still wasn't quite sure because the examples were so much worse than what I felt I was going through. Luckily I found this board and started reading about all of the experiences here that were so similar to mine. All of the secrets, the lies of omission, and generally everything being one-sided. It all started making a lot of sense. Do I know for sure he's a narc? No. But he seems to fit enough of the criteria for me to believe it. And after 5 years, when we were no closer than we were when we first started dating, I knew there would never be any improvement. I had to get out. But I didn't. He continued to give me just enough to keep me going until he was ready to get rid of me. At the very least he's a very selfish asshole who only cares about himself. And my life is so much freer without him in it. He's someone else's problem now.
May 18 - 11PM (Reply to #9)
ACgirl's picture

"And After 5 years"

That sentence you wrote, MsVulcan500, "And after 5 years, we were no closer than we were when we first started dating" really hit the mark with me. It was the same way with me. So much of what you wrote is identical to what I have gone through. Even what you wrote about...."giving you enough to keep you going". It NEVER ceases to amaze me how all our stories are the same. So unbelievable how Ns are all the same. I can't believe how I fell for it. I could just kick myself that I didn't see it sooner. But they get us into a trance and it seems its difficult to get out. Thank God for this website. I seem to say that every night, but it's true. I am so glad this website is here.
May 18 - 11PM (Reply to #10)
loveofmylife's picture

Same here littlebird

I started feeling intensely uneasy. Things weren't adding up...there were so many contradictions. I was feeling emotions I've never felt before.....i would have panic attacks at work because I didn't understand what I meant to him and why he was treating me certain ways. He did some things that really struck me as WTF! Forcing me to fire someone, telling me I needed to ask for his permission for time off, telling me I was a control freak in front of my close friends...all kinds of other name calling....blaming... etc. I googled "Dr. Jekyll/Mr. Hyde" because I had never seen this before. The 2 faced nature. Tearing down someone to me and acting like their best friend 10 minutes later. Destroying the owner behind his back and acting so supportive and respectful in public. I caught him in lies (where I had the facts) and watched him tell elaborate stories that were completely sincere and believable. I couldn't believe it. It made me question everything he has ever told me. I also googled: lying, having multiple relationships with women, player, wrongfully accusing, objectifying, compartmentalizing, "why would an adult take shrooms" All of the words I never even knew before! And they all led me to N. My friends starting calling him an ahole for the way he was treating me. And my best friend told me to "wake up"....that I seemed to have become a battered woman, I was much smarter than that and that I need to get the hell away. Another old co-worker who has known both of us for 20 years and likes both of us said that it sounded like he was trying to get me fired and another 20 year coworker who we both worked for told me to cut him out of my life. And this board has been a godsend.
May 18 - 11PM (Reply to #11)
neveragain5's picture

The internet....the N's best

The internet....the N's best friend and worst enemy.
May 18 - 9PM
foolmeonce's picture

How I knew

Well it took forever to figure it out. Once I learned about narcissism I thought that's him. Then I would waver, no he's just confused, etc. What really made me decide once and for all was thinking back over the entire course of the relationship, the good, the bad and the ugly. Two things stuck out the most - the lying - about everything in hindsight and the fact he could just turn it off on a dime. No matter what was happening in our relationship - he could go out, have a good time and not even care. Normal people cannot do that. Also the total lack of respect for boundaries. He could do anything he wanted but if I did the same thing I would hear about it forever. When you break up with a Narc there is something that is so not right about it. In a normal break up you are sad and miss the person but you can accept it and can even have closure with the person. With a Narc there never is closure. So if you try to talk to him about what happened you'll be met with lies or "I don't know's" Dealing with a Narc is really like dealing with a misbehaved three year old. When you shake your head over and over again and try to understand what the fuck happened to you - the answer is clear - he is a Narc.
May 18 - 8PM
secondchance's picture


mine was diagnosed by the clinical psychologist that we were seeing for almost 2 years!