So I Attempted to Ask...Again...What is Going On??

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Dec 19 - 11AM (Reply to #4)
Happy1's picture

I would love to hear the

I would love to hear the truth as well. Anything but the lies that come out of his mouth. I will never hear from again and it's for the best. I just want to imagine he said he's so sorry and it's just not right for us. That's the only thing I can do because what he did was so not normal in my mind.
Dec 19 - 11AM (Reply to #5)
Used's picture


i heard the set me free.
Dec 19 - 12PM (Reply to #6)
Happy1's picture


That's what I want so badly! to be set free!!!! Free at last!
Dec 19 - 12PM (Reply to #7)
Used's picture


yes, but i didnt get the truth from him i got it from his ow, she came and told me...he denied it at first, so i said, you either admit it as we are only friends or i am out of here...he admitted it.... and i was out of there. so i wanted out for a long time, but he wouldnt let go he was relentless, but once he admitted that in our 3 1/2 year freindship, he was in a 3 year relationship, what always amazed me was she knew about me, i didnt know about her until she told me.. why did she stand for him, spending all that time with me. but it was my exscuse to get out and stay out.