Even if you say awful, nasty, hurtful things to them will they come back?
Even if you say awful, nasty, hurtful things to them will they come back?
When my xN started the D&D last month, fairly suddenly, I was the one who didn't even let him finish the D&D I broke it off and blocked him from everything but my work phone, which I cannot block. But before I blocked him, I totally went off on him over the course of several days. I said the meanest, most awful, but TRUE things to him about what he was, his disorder, that he was a user and an abuser, that he better not crawl back to me with his crocodile tears next time he has a life crisis and finds himself all alone in the world. I told him he had no idea what love was, did not know how to love or be loved, and had no idea what intimacy was. I asked him if he was gay (because I truly thought that possibility was there) and he denied it. Through it all, he simply begged me to stay his friend,, that he didn't want to lose me as a friend, but I refused that and just went at him until everything was blocked once and for all.
Will an N try to come back at some time in the future even though you have treated them so badly and said the most awful (TRUE) things to them?
Did your ex ever contact you again ?
Why do we Care!
Even if you say nasty things to them
Yeah I agree over the course
SaMe here
Wow its the opposite for me
Just very passive-aggressively
He hasn't contacted me...
they do try and come back
Okay this makes sense because
Scoop....you are so right!
Mines said "why would anyone
TLSM...the ring and the proposal
The truth behind these people
Okay, I have a question...why
THEY'RE LIARS he is lying if
Is it horrible for me to ask this?
Thank you, Hunter.
Getting back at the Narc
I've done BOTH!
That's how they make it seem.
NC is a blessing, but still hurts!
Oh don't worry he will be
I agree, it is a facade. I