The Best Revenge for a Narcissist

The Best Revenge for a Narcissist
I recently received this question in regard to The Best Revenge for a Narcissist:
"I have read in many places - that indifference is
the ultimate punishment for a narc but at the same time it is said
that he/she does not care, it is he/she who feels no empathy.
How can indifference be a punishment for someone who does not care?"
Narcs thrive on supply/attention.
Control is their mothership, as they fear intimacy.
Primarily they vacillate between fear and anger.
Think, petty angry brooding sulking spoiled brat. Narc injury.
Thus, ignoring a petty spoiled fearful control freak naturally is going to evoke fear and rage.
Rage that you have the control; your power back.
Fear that they may be losing something of value.