Hmmmm - We're Angry and We're Hurt and We Can't Live with these guys BUT... |
well known phrases |
I was hoovered this weekend |
The Importance of Journaling |
I beat my *N* at his own game.....but now? |
When they get "Old", what happens? |
He texted me "happy birthday" |
Why Ns don't sleep (my uneducated theory) |
Block him. Do it. Do it now. |
I'm a mess... |
Christmas tree I'm not good today can't cope |
Do they lead miserable lives? |
The Chessiest things they ever said to you |
12 Characteristics of Psychopaths/ Sociopaths |
Jokes about Narcissists |
Should you blame the Other girl? |
How he cares for her |
Double Meaning, Ambiguous, Crazy-Making BullShit |
Our Favorite Narc Nicknames |
Rick Springfield and His Wife |
Forgive me for the new thread |
Going to lose my f***ing mind |
Nice ending???? |
The Ultimate Discard and Dump line... |
I know I should be happy...but am hurt that ex-N never contacted me again |
OMG Help me Emergency!!!!!!! |
The Girlfriend of Dr Jekyl's Story |
Long Distance Relatinships |
""When it rains it pours." |
Cerebral vs Somatic Narcissist |
Ok I lost it again, I feel awful Please HELP |
Best way to dump the Narcissist? |
So, you are the narcissists new woman... |
Strange Narcissistic & Psychopathic Behaviors |
When they text & you (stupidly) reply then they ignore |
He Abandoned Me, What does this mean? |
Does anyone else accept that he really never loved you? |
The Sexual Relationship with a Narcissist |
Is She a Narcissist? |
Clap eyes story |
Devastated and need help and advice |
Apple's story |
How to have No Contact with the father of your children? |
WELCOME NEWCOMERS/Forum Guidelines |
narc-boy has a lot to prove now that we're gone |
Thinking of breaking NC??? |
sad love letter! |
Does he think about me at all? I can't stop thinking about him even with NC |